Show ALL open windows in dock?
I'm a recent convert from Windows to Mac and one of the things that's completely driving me nutts is that I work with many windows open all day long, constantly switching back and forth and in Windows this was simple, EVERY window I had running had a space / button (whatever) in the taskbar, so when I switched back and forth all I had to do was a simple click on the window space in the task bar and poof, I was back in that window.
In OSX I'm finding this is not the case and it's driving me BONKERS!
I'm now having to constantly minimize the windows I'm in, or do the mission control thing, to get back to a window...just a pain in the butt when I need to switch back and forth constantly all day long.
Is there anyway to set OSX to behave the same way windows does in this manner?
I know it shows the APPLICATION in the dock, but it doesn't seem to show all windows for a given application...?
Thanks in advance!