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iOs 7 on iPad 3

Hello there.

I have ipad 3, new ipad with 16gb and 3g hardware.

Did you notice battery drain? I had my battery down in something like 4.30 hours.

The keyboard is really slow, i noticed an important lag during the use of it!

Wifi perfomance is really bad.

The only thing the customer care answered me is that they have no information about this, and i'm the only one experencing this problem........

Someone noticed the same?


iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi + Cellular, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 19, 2013 3:21 AM

378 replies

Oct 17, 2013 10:48 AM in response to Gergav

It is puzzling to see so many articulate arguments about how apple screwed them with the iOs 7 update. If you are posting on this forum, made a financial decision to get an iPad 3, and were happy with your previous experience, then you know what happens to new operating systems on older hardware. Apple is just another company that happened to have made pretty smart decisions to offer a great user experience at different points in time. It is still a company that is looking forward to continuing employing its people and returning value to investors. No different from Google or Samsung. It can't think for all users. Users still have the responsibility to see what's best for them.

I have an iPad 3 and have decided not to upgrade to iOs 7 at the moment. It is working great for me right now. I am sorry for those that upgraded and felt cheated.

Oct 17, 2013 1:13 PM in response to JonnyK2000

Thank you I had no idea they still sell iPad 3. It sounds like you bought it in store if they specifically asked if you wanted iOS 7.

If I was dishing out cash for a new iPad right now I would have picked up an iPad 4 since that is the latest model and still ships with iOS 6 it can also better handle iOS 7 when you're ready to take the leap (if ever :p ) once they optimize it better or hammer out the bugs but looking from iPad 4 forums it looks like they are suffering just as bad as we all are.

Oct 22, 2013 4:33 AM in response to Gergav

This is truly disappointing! So many people including myself expressing their stress with their devices.

I have all the above problems! Even when I tap to position the cursor while typing I feel as if finger alignment needs calibrating ! For goodness sake it feels like a 2004 device!

It's really sad for of us who truly love apple for what it was and stood for back in the Jobs days!

Simplicity, functionality, stability, reliability.

Google "apple is" and tap space to see suggestions. I wonder does the company see the wrong path of self destruction or they only care about spreadsheets and numbers.

My humble opinion is that apple has sacrificed building on their believes to hit competition on their own court. This won't happen. Eastern consumer electronics giants cannot be beat in their own court, apple needs to bring the game back home, both in terms of design and functionality. And it will be this fiscal year that will decide if google's first 3 suggestions (going down, dying, dead) will come true.

Oct 22, 2013 6:49 PM in response to Oblivius

Just installed 7.0.3 update, seems to be slightly faster when launching apps, but other issues are mostly there.... Compared it side by side with wife's iPad 2 which is on 7.0.2. Surprisingly iPad 2 transition effects are nice and fluid, I'd say on par with iOS6, iPad3 was lagging, particularly noticeable with 180 and 360 degrees turns. Even simple 90 degrees turns in Safari make it "think" for 2-3 seconds to change screen modes. Keyboard is still slow just as I'm typing this.

I was anticipating a real update, like a month would be enough for Apple to fix it's issues, instead it's just added to overall frustration.

Oct 27, 2013 8:22 AM in response to Gergav

Hi all,

I am having the same problems with my iPad 3 16GB Wifi. Keyboard responsiveness is kind of laggy, escpecially when you switch to the special characters section. Wallpaper menu is slow like ****. And just the overall perfromance has decreased.

Interestingly this is kind of a confirmation for earlier thoughts I had. I was using an iPad 2 before, which is still being used by my wife. And I always felt that the iPad 2 is faster and more responsive than the iPad 3. Even under iOS 6. But after the upgrade it is really a joke. The iPad 2 is still bloody fast while my iPad 3 is kind of dying.

Apple simply pushed towards the Retina Display on the iPad back then, without being able to power it with the needed hardware.

Just ask yourselfs why Apple brought out the iPad 4 so fast after the 3. I kind of feel tricked because I had never bought the **** thing with todays knowledge. I dont think Apple can fix this.

Oct 27, 2013 10:55 PM in response to christianfromhessen

HI Christian

iI've been experience experiAncing problems with ios 7, seem to be worse now they've "improved" it.

ive an ipad 3, used to be fast but not so much now. I tried resetting as you suggested from my PC but this didn't do much to help. Also experiAncing my music crashing when creating playlists. Safari won't load, or if it does won't scroll properly. I've tried google app but the same problems persist.

any ideas?

MUst admit getting tired of apple. Purchased a kindle fire, great piece of kit.

having trouble typing here as it's really slow, having trouble keeping up with my typing, and I a two finger man!

Confused and dissolutioned in Southfleet.

Oct 28, 2013 6:50 AM in response to Lixi12

I always wondered why the iPad 4 came out so quickly after the iPad3 was released. 6 months to be exact and exactly a year ago. Apple quieltly realized out iPad 3 can't keep up with the retina display which explains why the iPad 2 and iPad mini run more smoothly than our iPad 3's do especially under iSkittles 7.

That being said if you install update 7.0.3 you will notice the iPad will almost feel like it once did before. Safari will still crash BUT it feels almost useable again. Remember to go to reset all settings ( not factory reset) its under the general tab I believe and this helped immensely along with turning on "reduce motion sickness "

Oct 28, 2013 7:16 AM in response to ronfromtoronto

First of all there is a lot of speculation here. Apple never had "doubts" about ipad 3. People here claimed installing ios 7 from your phone is worse then itunes install which I spoke with some engineers in apple and they called that ludicrous.

I don't think they had doubts with the ipad 3. I lovemy ipad 3. Its a beautiful piece. I am still on ios 6 and it ZIPS. The retina is beautiful, and could care less about the 30 pin charger.

That being said, I am going to upgrade to 7 soon. Only a matter of time, just want to make sure Apple makes it right.

Oct 28, 2013 8:02 AM in response to Gergav

Guess what? Before iOS 7 I loved my iPad 3, too.

But I was always wondering why the iPad 2 seemed to be that extra bit (and I really only mean a bit) smoother. But I never really cared because iPad 3 was running very very good. It was like comparing a Ferrari against a Porsche if you will. 🙂

But since iOS 7 the difference is really there. iPad 3 would have never been released with todays "performance". That is something I am pretty sure about, and actually the best argument of all, since Apple always claims to deliver their well known perfectionism.

iOs 7 on iPad 3

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