wifi doesn't work with IOS 7
Hi, I installed on my iphone IOS 7 but now wifi doesn't work. It doesn't find any wifi connections around me. Please help me! What can I do?
Hi, I installed on my iphone IOS 7 but now wifi doesn't work. It doesn't find any wifi connections around me. Please help me! What can I do?
Try going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings
I tried but Nothing. I also tried to reinstall IOS 7 but I have the same problem. It's strange because with IOS 6 it works very well. Maybe I must wait another upgrade to fix bug? (If it's a bug)
I'm having the same issue on my 4S. I tried to Reset Network Settings but that didn't solve the issue either. I've had varying degrees of issues with this all morning. The Command Center will say that wifi is on. When I go to Settings > the Wifi is listed as "off" when I go into Wifi through Settings it will show that wifi is on and connected but the in the bar at the top of the iphone screen it shows it's connected to 4G. I'm getting really frustrated!
One of my frineds had the same problem with her's yesterday. This is what apple support told her to do yesterday and it fixed her's I hope this is helpful in some way.
1.) Update iTunes
2.) Back your phone up
3.) Hard reset your phone
4.) Restore with iTunes after reset
I update to iso 7 my wifi wont turn on i tried every thing wont work hard reset restore reset network its not working on iso 6 it ws working very well ???????????
Does your iTunes have its most recent update completed?
It is my understanding that this is the key link to making it work. Apple support told a friend if mine to follow the steps listed in my previous reply in this post and her's worked.
yes i have itune 11.1 i well try wone more time to see if its work again
its not working the same problem my wifi wont turn on ??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my iphone is broken now i have to use cellure data
and i have i problem my itune is crashing when i try to enter the store
So I tried doing these steps again: Try going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings but putting the phone in "airplane mode" first. That seemed to solve the issue for me. Weird.
do you solve the issue??? I also try to do how bam11 writes but nothing...
what should I do?? wait a new version (if it can fix my bug)??
That worked for mine as well
@bam11 - Did that wipe out all of your saved Wi-fi settings? I'm a little hesitant to try this because I installed ios 7 at noon yesterday and all original wi-fi settings were fine until around 6PM today. So for 30 hours, wi-fi was perfectly fine and then - poof - gone.
Has the problem returned at all? I have about 15 saved setttings for work and it's a pain to reload them all!
My wifi had no problem connecting to our home wifi prior to the IOS 7 update, but since updating this morning it's not working. My phone will try to connect to wifi, but then I get the "Unable to join the network" message. I tried resetting network settings, but that did not solve it. I tried @bam11's suggestion of being in airplane mode first, but still no luck. I've had my phone open to the Wi-Fi page, and saw it connect a couple times for the slightest second, but it disconnected just as fast. My son as the exact same phone (4s) and he's connecting just fine! Any other suggestions? I'm afraid to hard reset my phone.
I Tried but to no vail...Really frustating tht wifi worked fine until ios 6 and in 7 its gone with the wind...😐
wifi doesn't work with IOS 7