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MacBook Pro (2007) 3,1 & 10.8.5 freezing

While it goes without saying, firstly if you possess one of these MacBooks (I believe the unofficial model description of these MacBooks is the "Santa Rosa" model), do yourself a HUGE favor and make a back-up before attempting to upgrade to OS X 10.8.5.

Regarding my expereinces thus far attemtping to update:

At the onset, I can attest to the fact that my MacBook Pro runs OS X 10.8.4 flawlessly. Furthermore, the Apple Service Diagnostic disc for my 2007 MacBook Pro 15'' 3,1 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz A1226 MA895LL/A reports absolutely NO Hardware issues whatsoever including the memory check. I have tried EVERYTHING in performing ALL the obvious troubleshooting (i.e. permissions repair, SMC & PRAM rest, subtracting/adding memory modules etc.).

I have also installed OS X 10.8.5 in all three (3) possible configurations (software update, combo update and the full/clean Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.5 .app install) and all have produced the same result with the system freezing. The vast majority of times after a successful install, it will freeze right at boot up (i.e. white screen, grey apple, and spinning wheel) though several times I have actually gotten to both the login stage as well as in the desktop itself before it freezes. I have tried installing it both on internal and external hard drives yet it makes no difference. I am at a complete and utter loss as to what the heck to do. I have owned a mac of some sort since 1998 and I have never experienced a situation regarding an incremental OS update like this ever before.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2007 MacBook Pro 15'' 3,1 Intel Cor

Posted on Sep 19, 2013 9:22 AM

121 replies

Sep 24, 2013 6:20 AM in response to tj_andersen


As I am the type that can rarely "let a sleeping dog lie" and as the impression I was getting in contacting Apple directly reagrding this issue was to not expect a solution any time soon...I pressed forward and I believe to have come up with a viable (temporary or otherwise) fix to the OS X 10.8.5 freezing issue. I will preface in what I have to found work with my 2007 MacBook Pro 15" 2.2 GHz A1226 by making the statement that if one elects to perform this proceedure they do so at there own risk. Firstly, in analizing what was occurring when updating "normally", in the many steps I had taken to to try and correct the problem, I became fairly confident in assessing that it was a updated driver/kext in OS X 10.8.5 that is causing the freezing issue in my MacBook Pro. I deduced this from variety of circumstances that I had witnessed behavior wise coupled with the fact that my Mac Pro updated to OS X 10.8.5 without any issue whatsoever and possesses every single third party application that my MacBook also has installed. I woke up this morning still puzzled yet determined to try to come up with my own resolution.

I began as I had done before, with my MacBook Pro booted to my perfectly operating OS X 10.8.4 system and an external with the full native OS X 10.8.5 ".app" installation mounted on my desktop. I opened up each System/Library/Extension folder and placed them side by side began comparing the two. After about 15 minutes of tedeously going down the kext list and going into finder and clicking "get info" on each and every kext while checking versions etc., I thought to myself "f" this....there are way to many combinations and variables that could be effected by replacing each of them one by one systematically. Then without making any single changes, I put into practice my "what have I got to loose" mindset, went into the OS X 10.8.4 Extension folder and in Finder used "Select All" selecting EACH AND EVERY kext extension and then OVERWROTE the entire kext Extension Library in OS X 10.8.5 with those from OS X 10.8.4. Repaired permissions, used DiskWarrior 4.4 and cleaned up the directory and low and behold, OS X 10.8.5 has booted successfully for me now on my MacBook Pro at least a dozen times and I have had it running and performing various task with no freezing issues at all.

Conclusion...IT IS A SOFTWARE ISSUE. I have basically done enough of Apples homework where now some engineer should be able to take this proverbial ball and run with it in disecting and comparing the two kext extension folders and replacing only what is necessary and issuing a corrected, official Supplemental Update. I know I won't get one but none the less...your welcome Apple.

Sep 25, 2013 4:07 AM in response to tj_andersen

Some more observations, maybe someone can make any sense of those:

With 17": confirmed, no issue

With 15":

- boot in single user mode (with only few drivers loaded): no freeze in 15 minutes, compared to the few seconds it takes to freeze in normal use

- with no ethernet cable: freeze after 10 minutes or so

- with ethernet cable plugged in: freeze in less than 15 seconds

- Ethernet card is same model in both laptops (Marvell Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8055 Singleport Copper SA)

- works fine with Linux, 10.8.3 recovery partition, etc

- configuration of the 17": upgraded RAM and SSD with third party components, changed GPU & logic board from Apple

- configuration of the 15": upgraded RAM and SSD with third party components, not sure if GPU & logic board are origial

Sep 25, 2013 11:48 AM in response to jfg63

at least in my case it also freezes with WLAN, cause I usually don't have plugged in my ethernet cable...most of the times it freezes without an apparent reason just during some browsing, working etc after the needed reboot it sometimes freezes at the first error message where OSX is asking you "oh, you had a problem and rebootet, relaunch every program?" 😉

I'm gonna try your kext experiment at the weekend, one thing I noticed that for 4 of the freezes, OSX posted an kernel panic report in the console, marked as usbmuxd error. if I'm not mistaken, the internal keyboard is basically just a plugged in usb keyboard?

Sep 25, 2013 1:53 PM in response to tj_andersen

As I am the creator of this particular discussion, I am going to effectively end my need to have this issue resloved as I have taken care of it myself. Since posting my findings earlier yesterday, I have delved much deeper into this matter and have discovered all that made my MacBook Pro unusable with the current OS X 10.8.5 release. I have been able to extract/remove/replace precisely what was at fault and have essentially created my own OS X 10.8.5 update. My MacBook Pro now runs OS X 10.8.5 as it should...flawlessly. Pardon me for not elaborating any further however in case anyone is unaware, Apple pays a handsome sum of money to folks to perfom task exactly as I have accomplished and far be it for me to interfere with there work. Anyway in my case, whether an "official" fix is ever eventually released is irrelevant as I do not need it any longer.

Sep 26, 2013 11:06 AM in response to tj_andersen

dear tj,

"Pardon me for not elaborating any further however in case anyone is unaware, Apple pays a handsome sum of money to folks to perfom task exactly as I have accomplished and far be it for me to interfere with there work."

Are you serious? pardon you for not elaborating further?? elaborating further is exactly what this place is for. as you're the one who started this discussion (before arriving at a solution) in the first place, i'm pretty sure you would have been happy to accept any and all help/info from others, without any concern as to whether you were "interfering" with the work or compensation of apple employees—not that they actually care what you do.

congratulations on finding a (seeming) solution (i.e., replacing the 10.8.5 kext extension library with the one from 10.8.4), and thanks for sharing (some of) your experience.

but mostly—thank you so much for coming back just to say you're not going to share whatever details are apparently crucial to actually solving the problem.

i'm sure everyone reading here feels much better just knowing that tj's machine is running again, even if our own troubles continue with no end in sight.

what—are you hoping readers will offer to pay you that "handsome sum"?

Sep 26, 2013 1:21 PM in response to freeforest

Dear freeforest,

Firstly, I would like to remind you and whomever else shares your same sentiments that your gripe should be with Apple and not me. I am not here nor do I exist to solve Apple's problems for them. Might I remind you that Apple is one of if not the largest most profitable corporations in america. Out of necessity and through the proverbial school of "hard knocks", I have had no choice other then to acquire a vast amount of knowledge in order to maintain/toubleshoot/ and when applicable repair our household Macs as otherwise I would not be able to afford to pay someone else to do so. This fact and my shaing it is no doubt WAY more then I should bother putting out there but none the less it is my reality.

When I first initiated this forum, I was in the same boat as you and others like you. As time went on and also like you, I got the impression that there was no offical end in sight and as the likelyhood of OS X 10.8.5 being the last version of Mountain Lion is a fairly good bet, I decided to take my own initiative and come up with my own permanent solution. I believe I have shared enough of the where process needs to begin and those with the wherewithal and fortitiude can pick it up from there. Admitedly, what needs to be done next will take hours and/or days of careful comparison analysis and one will need to know what they are doing and what they need to look for however it can be done.

When dilberating as to whether or not to provide the final solution within this, my discussion, I combed through the Apple forum discussions and came to the conclusion that nothing of this magnitude comes remotely close to the issues that have been addressed, resolved, and shared before between the general public ever. And while I expect nothing from any such "reader", the many hours and the hard work I have spent developing my solution cannot be understated. So I apologize in advance if my reasoning is not acceptable to you or to anyone else for that matter however I believe have already gone way beyond from what is normally furnished here solution wise and I would wholeheartedly suggest that you take up any of your remaining questions and/or concerns with Apple directly.

Sep 26, 2013 3:40 PM in response to tj_andersen

Oh...and just to clarify as of a few months ago, Apple is the 2nd most profitable corporation IN THE ENTIRE WORLD ! If that does not impress upon you that you are "barking up the wrong tree" and who everyone should be pressing in which to obtain a OS X 10.8.5 fix from then you are clearly a misguided indivdual.

http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/07/09/apple-is-officially-the-second- most-profitable-com.aspx

Sep 26, 2013 4:59 PM in response to Csound1

I have assisted...and quite frankly more then you will ever know. I take issue with your assertion regarding my character. Your level implies that you possess some measure of skill...might I suggest that you spend the time and work necessary, find the solution, and then you yourself can ride into this forum and be everyone's knight in shinning armor.

MacBook Pro (2007) 3,1 & 10.8.5 freezing

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