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MacBook Pro (2007) 3,1 & 10.8.5 freezing

While it goes without saying, firstly if you possess one of these MacBooks (I believe the unofficial model description of these MacBooks is the "Santa Rosa" model), do yourself a HUGE favor and make a back-up before attempting to upgrade to OS X 10.8.5.

Regarding my expereinces thus far attemtping to update:

At the onset, I can attest to the fact that my MacBook Pro runs OS X 10.8.4 flawlessly. Furthermore, the Apple Service Diagnostic disc for my 2007 MacBook Pro 15'' 3,1 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz A1226 MA895LL/A reports absolutely NO Hardware issues whatsoever including the memory check. I have tried EVERYTHING in performing ALL the obvious troubleshooting (i.e. permissions repair, SMC & PRAM rest, subtracting/adding memory modules etc.).

I have also installed OS X 10.8.5 in all three (3) possible configurations (software update, combo update and the full/clean Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.5 .app install) and all have produced the same result with the system freezing. The vast majority of times after a successful install, it will freeze right at boot up (i.e. white screen, grey apple, and spinning wheel) though several times I have actually gotten to both the login stage as well as in the desktop itself before it freezes. I have tried installing it both on internal and external hard drives yet it makes no difference. I am at a complete and utter loss as to what the heck to do. I have owned a mac of some sort since 1998 and I have never experienced a situation regarding an incremental OS update like this ever before.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2007 MacBook Pro 15'' 3,1 Intel Cor

Posted on Sep 19, 2013 9:22 AM

121 replies

Sep 26, 2013 5:50 PM in response to Csound1

Oh how clever...you now have resorted and have stooped to what I would imagine to be your common low level self while spefically calling me a liar. And furthermore, it is not that there is nothing you can learn from me, your irratation is due from the fact that either you cannot leech from me or you lack the competence to take the signficant amount of direction I have offered so far and figure it out for yourself. Either way you are about as relavent as my the need for an offical OS X 10.8.5 fix from Apple.

Sep 26, 2013 7:16 PM in response to tj_andersen

My bottom line is simply this: I too was merely a victim with the current Apple OS X 10.8.5 release not functioning on my MacBook Pro. Since that time I have taken it upon myself and have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that A.) the issue lies within the software itself and B.) the software can be fixed to work on this specific laptop without issue. If that is not putting forth and doing my own due dilegence regarding this matter as each of these aspects are undeniably significant within their own right, then I do not know what is.

Where I draw the line however is (and as I have reiterated time and time again) that Apple employs a large staff and pays them handsomely to create and produce each given software release. Given all that I have uncovered and have supplied them with, I would imagine that an official release containing all the necessary fixes would be easy as cake for the professionals to produce at this juncture. Will I go the extra mile in essentally spoon feeding exactly what needs to be performed in fixing OS X 10.8.5 ?...not on your life or more specifically not gratis. The fact of the matter is that I should not have had to go through such extensive measues in order to create a working/functional version of OS X 10.8.5 for my MacBook Pro. And truth be told neither should any of you. Everyone and anyone who is being effected by this issue should be redirecting their anger on the folks that produced this disfunctional software in the first place. I am not the culprit in this scenario. I am merely a victim just like all of you who got tired of waiting and took matters into my own hands...no more, no less.

Sep 27, 2013 5:55 AM in response to tj_andersen

An additional suggestion by the way to all whom this applies and just for future reference, the next time you enter into situation and approach a complete stranger with your hand out who owes you absolutely nothing, you might want to alter your strategy and refrain from making disparaging remarks and lose the condescending tone if your expectations are to evoke the spirit of generosity in that individual. Just sayin'...

Sep 28, 2013 12:04 AM in response to tj_andersen

dear tj,

"My bottom line is simply this:... "

your bottom line is that you just don't give a f. about anyone else.

more proof? cf.:

might I suggest that you spend the time and work necessary, find the solution, and then you yourself can ride into this forum and be everyone's knight in shinning armor.

...the next time you enter into situation and approach a complete stranger with your hand out who owes you absolutely nothing...lose the condescending tone...

take a look in the mirror—you are the condescending one here. everyone who visits these message boards in hopes of solving a problem is approaching strangers with their hand out. that means you, too, mefager. especially since you are the one who started the discussion. it's not as if you started this thread after you solved your problem, out of the "spirit of generosity" you mentioned (which is obviously something you don't have any of).

instead, what's motivating you is the opposite: the spirit of money-grubbing. if you didn't want to share the details of your method, you could have simply not come back. but you did, just to say i figured it out and i'm not going to tell you, "or more specifically not gratis." wow.

so clearly, and even explicitly (and as i predicted in my first comment), you're hoping people are going to pay you for the fix you came up with—when you came here with your hand out just like everyone else.

for someone who likes to mention several times how you learned through the school of hard knocks and can't afford to pay someone else to fix your computers, you have displayed a shocking level of greed, selfishness, and lack of compassion for others—not even people in general, but people who have the exact same problem as you! and people to whom you came for help in the first place!

i would imagine that most people still running a 2007 machine are not doing so because they love it so much—it's cuz of money. just like you. and me.

you mention "combing through message boards" and your process of education since your first mac in 1998. i wonder if you've ever compensated any of the people who posted their knowledge over the years—knowledge which enabled you to get where you are.

earlier in this thread, you thanked blubb1 "for offering that important tidbit of information.... With your statement, you potentially saved me from needlessly making an unnecessary and costly repair."

so much for returning the favor. just curious, did he try to charge you for that? oh really, he didn't?

I am merely a victim just like all of you..."

well, you were a victim, and now you're trying to make money off people who still are victims.

"Everyone...who is being effected by this issue should be redirecting their anger [at apple]....I am not the culprit in this scenario.

yes, obviously apple is the culprit. no one said otherwise. you're just an ***. lech tizdayen.

p.s.: you really should learn how to spell.

Sep 28, 2013 7:10 AM in response to freeforest

I am not going to get involved in an exchange of crude, immature name calling. You are simply way over the top and your venomous remarks indicate to me that you are the type of individual that I personally want nothing to do with. You also have exhibited a highly distorted and warped propensity to blow matters WAY out of proportion in equating your inability to run OS X 10.8.5 with some life or death matter. Hint: come to back to reality and gain a proper perspective. If your MacBook is operating/functioning properly, OS X 10.8.4 should run perfectly fine. And yes I am admittedly unaffected by the pain and suffering you are having to endure because you are having to resort to running OS X 10.8.4.

I have supplied everyone here with enough "ammunition" where anyone should now go back to Apple, the true culprit in this matter, and in a persistent fashion, demand that they fix it. Yet instead of possessing the courage and fortitude in attacking the second most profitable corporation in the entire world and the source responsible for your plight, you instead prefer to berate and gang up on me. And that critical personality flaw, the tendency to bully and act out against others who are as powerless yet despite being faced with the same adversity persevered and made good in there particular situation, is one that I both despise and utterly loathe and furthermore simply will and do not tolerate.

Learn to be self sufficient and go attack the company that has already profited from your business and get a clue that that entity is not and nor will it ever be me.

Sep 29, 2013 2:35 PM in response to tj_andersen

simply classy behavior, tj_andersen. sometimes I really get the "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"-meme, just because of people like you. so nice of you that you take for example our advice with the replacement of the geforces in mbp, and let us remain with this software issue. on a further note, this is not "your" thread, you just started it, and as you are apparently now hassle-free: be so nice, stop wasting precious apple-server capacity with your crap and GTFO, kthxbye 🙂

to the rest of us: I will try to figure out which kext is affected, couldn't find enough time to do so until now 😉

Sep 29, 2013 3:44 PM in response to blubb1

I have narrowed the problem to within 17 kext on a MBPro 2007 3,1 17". System boots with all other extensions as 10.8.5 versions, and, these as 10.8.4 versions -


















Sep 29, 2013 9:08 PM in response to tj_andersen

As this concept seems impossible for some to comprehend, I will spell it out for you. Apple seemingly now possesses a considerable amount of indifference in producing software updates that are equally compatible with older, out of warranty Macs as their hot new current models. It used to be the case that when you owned a compatible machine...say a compatible OS X 10.5 Leopard Mac, each and every release worked with that Mac all the way up to the final OS X 10.5.8 release By letting them get away with their present "Let them eat cake" mentality, I guarantee that they will release more and more updates just like OS X 10.8.5 that arbitrarily leaves out a whole slew of "vintage" Macs at their discretion. This policy is completely ludicrous and yet why doesn't anyone else seem very concerned about this apparent trend ? What is the publics fear in holding Apple accountable and demanding that this matter be rectified immediately ? I expect nothing less then to be able to download a given update for which I possess a license for, install it and be on my way just as the folks with 2013 machines are able to do. The precedent I see establishing, is that I will have to now have to spend hours and/or days manipulating kext and/or framework folder or files on my own accord in order to get updates to function properly on my older Macs. This is completely and totally unacceptable !!!

Sep 29, 2013 9:52 PM in response to tj_andersen

So what did you do to fix the problem? I have a similar mbp, purchased Feb 2008. Upgraded to leopard as soon as it was available, then snow leopard last year. Last night I downloaded mtn lion. Ever since doing that my computer freezes at start up and after log in.

I talked with an Apple rep who eventually had me do a disk scan and wipe. I reinstalled mtn lion and still have the same issues. Currently everything is working after I turn the computer off and on again four or five times.

Thanks for your reply.

MacBook Pro (2007) 3,1 & 10.8.5 freezing

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