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iOS 7 Music App sorting issues

Hello there,

I'm starting this discussion to express my displeasure with some changes in the Music app that have removed some key functionalities that I had come to rely upon.

First of all, there are some artists in my library with many albums. In iOS 6, accessing those artist's albums was easy. You would click on the artist tab, go to the artist and it would show a list of the albums. Then, you could choose an album and go right to those songs. In iOS 7, this has completely changed. Now, there's no longer an albums view under artists. You have to scroll song by song to get to the newer releases.

For instance, I'm a huge fan of Pearl Jam and have 60 albums of theirs (9 studio, the rest all live records). Now, to get to the latest, I have to spend 30 seconds scrolling all the way down the list. That's not efficient at all. The way it was before — you get a list of albums once you click on the artist, then click on an album to get the songs — should never have been changed.

Second, I consider myself a power user and sort all my albums using the "sort album" tag in iTunes. Previously, that carried over both over syncing and iTunes Match. Now, it ignores it completely. Even my old, trusty iPod Classic still pays attention to this!

I understand that most people don't set their sort order, but for those of us who do — and have spent tons of time doing it — why is this no longer the case?

I spoke with a senior technician yesterday and let him know of these issues. He documented them and is sending them directly to a programming engineer at Apple. I have his name, phone number and contact info and intend to follow up.

He agreed that iOS 7 should be adding functionality — not taking it away! The other thing the senior technician said to me is that the more people call and complain about something, the greater the chance that it will be rectified.

I did so in a very calm, respectful manner and he was very receptive to my concerns. SO, is anyone else frustrated about this? IF so, please post here!

Also, my suggestion to anyone else who feels disappointed in this removed functionality is to call in to Apple Care support and express your concerns in much the same way i did.

That way, if we make our collective voices heard, they'll reintroduce the functionalities we had in the first place.

Posted on Sep 20, 2013 8:22 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Sep 20, 2013 8:34 AM

I have scheduled a call with a technician for this afternoon, and will discuss my concerns as well. Let's hope that if enough people raise the issue, it will be addressed. I will post a follow up once I've spoken with Apple.

445 replies

Sep 22, 2013 2:12 PM in response to PFox78

Just wanted to second the frustration here. It would be a welcome option to be able to sort all songs simple grouped by album, but by taking away the album-only list I'm now spending a lot of time getting to the music I love most - the artists for whom I have many many albums. It's a confusing choice for a company with such a focus on UX... hopefully they will fix it.

Sep 23, 2013 7:26 AM in response to PFox78

Thank you so much for this discussion. I, too, am so disappointed. I use blue tooth in my car to stream my music to the speakers. My phone is set in a cradle at an angle so that if I need to quickly change an album, while stopped at a red light, I can do this. Well, not anymore. Like most of you here, I have many multiple albums per artist. It used to be so easy to just scroll down the list of albums, listed alphabetically, to make a choice. Now the albums are just a mixed up mess. And, I don't need to see each song title broken out under the album titile. Holy cow! I hate this new Music in iOS 7. I'm praying that a fix will be coming. Who cares when an album was released? I just can't believe anyone would intentionally list their own catalog of music this way. I would love to know who the genius was who made the decision to do this. If anything, there should be an option to let us list the way we want ... 1. Alphabetically 2. Chronologically. Come on Apple, please make the fix.

Thank you!

Sep 23, 2013 1:07 PM in response to PFox78


I two have similar issues with music on iOS7 !! I Honestly can't believe on itunes that once you have searched for one artist you can't go back to search for another!! there is literally no where on the screen to press & go back and this is actually stopping Apple from making money out of me!!!!!!!!! If they sent me a phone and an operating system I could test them into the ground before they released something as poor as this!!

Very annoyed

Sep 23, 2013 1:42 PM in response to Jimscriv

Excellent point, Jim. The more people who write and call to Apple letting them know of their displeasure with this mess that has been created of our music app, the greater the chance that they'll actually fix it.

I implore the rest of you to do so — and to keep posting on here so this gathers more traction.

Sep 23, 2013 1:54 PM in response to PFox78

I agree with all these. I really like the convenience of using my phone as my portable music player. And I build playlists all the time. So I was really disappointed to see that they took away the Add All option for adding songs to a playlist. I always kept a playlist on my phone that included all the songs on my phone. This has come in handy a couple of times when I had to restore my phone. Once the restore failed to restore my music, 1500 plus songs that I have been organizing very much the way that @PFox78 has done. So I built a playlist that included all my songs so the next time it happened all I had to do was add the playlist and all my songs would be restored.

Now that option is gone too. I have already reported this using the Feedback page and I also hope they give us back some of our functionality in the near future.

Sep 23, 2013 2:11 PM in response to Thom_D

Agree with all these posts, the Music app has become what it was/is on the iPad, an incredibly dumb UI.

As for the problem of selecting just one album by an artist, I found a workaround. From the Artist menu select the album you want as you always have (you'll note the "x of xxx" will be based on all songs by the artist). Choose any song on the album then tap the icon in the top right corner of Now Playing (dots followed by lines, not sure what Apple calls it). From here you see just the songs of this one album, so select any track that is not the one you're currently playing and it will then play just that one album.

Not elegant, but functional.

Sep 23, 2013 7:47 PM in response to PFox78

Thank you! The first issue you mentioned, the entire list of songs for all albums when you click on an artist is ridiculous! Most of the artists I have music for have several albums and it ***** to have to scroll through them all. Please Apple, fix this!

I wrote about it here:

http://thelearnsomethingnew.com/2013/09/22/ios-7-review-the-good-the-bad-and-the -ugly/#album-artist-annoyance

Sep 24, 2013 7:44 AM in response to Chase443

I hope Apple listens too, but you have to provide feedback:


However, the iPad Music app behaved exactly this way under iOS 6 and still this way under iOS 7, so someone at Apple thinks showing all songs by an Artist is a brilliant idea and this may be the way they want it. From a UI perspective, that is a ridiculous way to present and artist's albums.

Sep 24, 2013 8:12 AM in response to PFox78

The sorting is also wrong when going through Genres. I will go to a specific Genre to mostly filter out Holiday music from an artist. I went to listen to Jazz and all music by the particular artist came up. There was no way to just listen to the Jazz Genre by that artist. It is highly frustrating.

And after reading some posts I was surprised that the shuffle button next to an album in the artist view shuffled all songs not just that album which would make sense.

This is aggravating and needs to be corrected.

Sep 24, 2013 11:26 AM in response to rockmyplimsoul

rockmyplimsoul wrote:

I hope Apple listens too, but you have to provide feedback:


However, the iPad Music app behaved exactly this way under iOS 6 and still this way under iOS 7, so someone at Apple thinks showing all songs by an Artist is a brilliant idea and this may be the way they want it. From a UI perspective, that is a ridiculous way to present and artist's albums.

+1000 on everyone submitting the feedback.

Sep 24, 2013 1:07 PM in response to PFox78

I'll be submitting feedback as well. I generally love the iOS redesign, but most of my iPhone usage is music, and it's become a chore. I almost want to switch back to my (still functional) black and white iPod. Scrolling through artists takes much longer with the artwork, scrolling through albums with all the song titles displayed in Artist view is unbelievably inefficient, and I do not want the following album to start playing automatically when the current one ends.

Two other things I don't like that I didn't see mentioned here:

- Repeat/Create/Shuffle changed from icons to text, and placed right under the volume control, which is right under the play/ff/rev controls -- much too easy to press the wrong "button" with everything so tight there.

- I'm sure I'm not alone in regularly using the phone to check the time. I used to be able to pull it out of my pocket, hit the Home button, and see the time displayed nice and large with just a glance. Now, when music is playing (which is almost always), the Home button displays the album artwork, which I don't need to see, and the time is up there in the status bar in the tiny type that requires a much closer look at the phone.

Everything that used to feel seamless and a pleasure to use is now distracting and annoying.

Sep 24, 2013 1:32 PM in response to early rejecter

Add to this discussion two more complaints. The shuffle icon no longer lights up so you have no way of knowing if it's on or off. Not a problem when you are at home, but if you are listening when driving, and want to change it ... crash.

But the biggest problem for me is that the ability to play a single song repeatedly seems gone (or it's just another well-hidden ”intuitive" way of doing things) I use this a lot when I'm learning a new song.

The only nice thing about the new app is that it does load faster than the iOS 6 one did, but I hate that it defaults to Apple Radio when it opens. I have a lot of songs (can't tell you how many because that information has also disappeared) and want to play MY music, not theirs.

If there was a way to go back to itunes 1, I'd take it in a minute. It was a beautiful uncluttered, and yes, intuitive application. And it's entertaining that spell check has itunes underlined as being spelled wrong while I'm tying on the iPad.

iOS 7 Music App sorting issues

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