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iPhone 5 does not ring for incoming calls post iOS 7 update.

iPhone 5 is not ringing for incoming calls post iOS 7 update. Have checked the sound settings and everything is in order. The ring tone rings in settings, but does not ring during an incoming call

iPhone 5, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 24, 2013 6:30 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jan 19, 2014 3:50 PM

Might be old news by now, but


Had same problem-2 solutions

1-on the left side is a swith above the volume control-if" the orange is visible it is set to "SILENT"

2- going to settings-general-accessibillity-scroll to assistive touch and turn it on.

Then you have a white circle on black square icon -tap- tap on device- tap on Mute/Unmute- Try and see if that solved the ringer problem. If it has, go back and turn assistive touch off- that might also solve the problem.

Option 1 is the most likely cause for not ringing I discovered, but option 2 might reveal the hidden muted sound issiue as well.

Hope this helps

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Jan 19, 2014 3:50 PM in response to Cob Apple

Might be old news by now, but


Had same problem-2 solutions

1-on the left side is a swith above the volume control-if" the orange is visible it is set to "SILENT"

2- going to settings-general-accessibillity-scroll to assistive touch and turn it on.

Then you have a white circle on black square icon -tap- tap on device- tap on Mute/Unmute- Try and see if that solved the ringer problem. If it has, go back and turn assistive touch off- that might also solve the problem.

Option 1 is the most likely cause for not ringing I discovered, but option 2 might reveal the hidden muted sound issiue as well.

Hope this helps


Jan 26, 2014 4:36 PM in response to Cob Apple

Hi everyone. I had similar situation with my iphone 5 but I was able to solve it. It stopped ringing or vibrating. It just would not do anything at all - screen would not flash, would not vibrate, it would just be quite. No notification at all on incoming calls. I tried it by calling my own number from other phones, it would just not work. I was frastrating like crazy.

Anyways, what I did is I did the software reinstallation:


1. Shut down my iphone (power off) by holding down the power button and slide the red power off slider on the screen;

2. With the iTunes application open on my PC, connect the iphone cable to the PC;

3. While holding down the home button on my iPhone connect the lightning cable to the iPhone and do not release the home button until the iPhone screen shows "Connect to iTunes" screen;

4. On your iTunes you will get a message that says that your iphone is on restore mode;

5. Click the Restore iPhone button on the iTunes. This will take approximately 15-20 minutes depending on your internet speed. Once the restore is finished the iphone will restart once or twice. It should restore your iPhone to the previous backup or whatever it had before. Or if not, you can resotre the back up you created before the iPhone software restore process.

Please let me know if this helps.


Feb 15, 2017 1:40 AM in response to digger07

Thanks, I was stumped as to why my iPhone 6s plus wouldn't ring I had checked the do not disturb was off and the mute button on the side was off and it still wouldn't ring but I walked through your steps and now magically my ringer works, thank you very much.


Jan 20, 2014 11:23 AM in response to lynxgolfer

lynxgolfer's reply solved the issue for me.

After a number of missed calls making me wonder if I was becoming deaf, I cought my phone starting to vibrate without a sound. I found this thread and sure enough, the little side switch was turned off.

The infuriating thing is that if the toggle switch is on orange (off), you can still change the ringer volume with the buttons on the left. However, when you do this, the phone stays on silent mode, even though the 'ringer' icon shows the volume (as opposed to the stripe-through bell to indicate silent mode)*.

Pretty annoying bug, IMHO.

* iPhone 5S, iOS 7.0.4 at least.


Jan 29, 2014 5:04 PM in response to Cob Apple

I had this same issue, but it was not the switch, and it was not the Do Not Disturb being on. Go to "Settings", then "Do Not Disturb". In that screen, there is a selection for "Allow Calls From". Somehow, mine got changed to Favorites. I selected "Everyone" and now my phone rings no matter who calls.

The software update must have changed this setting because I've never visited this screen before this issue. As of this posting, I have an iPhone 5c with the latest software.


Jun 5, 2014 7:27 AM in response to Cob Apple


I thought I was loosing my mind. For the last month I have been missing every call and I was certain I never heard my phone ring. I finally tested it from my office line and SILENT even though the settings showed my ringtone was on and volume at highest setting.

That is when I searched and found this thread. I had bought an OtterBox cover for my 5s (which I love but totally covers the entire phone body) and sure enough after prying it off I discovered the small switch has moved to orange so while the settings said all was well, the switch I could no longer see under the case was set to silent.

I so wish something in setting would alert you to the fact that you have that switch activated when you look at sounds or volume or ringer.

In any event, FIXED that to all of you. 🙂


Jul 22, 2014 12:37 AM in response to digger07

digger07's option 2

-was the fix for me. I am glad I responded to his post because I had to fix it again just now.

In light of my experience, here are fuller details of how to fix the muted sound in the accessibility settings.

Quite how this gets activated I don't know, but - to restore sound you have to get the accessibility menu to display a bell with a line through it.To get there do what Digger07 says. (settings-general-accessibillity-scroll down to assistive touch and turn it on.) That will display a grey circle. From any screen, tapping that circle will darken it and tapping again will bring up a large black menu. From that select Device and then tap the bell icon to put a line through it. Now, very carefully - navigate back and turn off accessibility once more. The iPhone should now ring once more.

Irritatingly with me, I have to leave Assistive touch circle icon enabled - or the ring tone mutes again. Has anyone got a solution for that ?


Dec 9, 2015 10:00 AM in response to Cob Apple

The No Ring issue looks silly. If you're here it is not that silly. Try to push UP the first button on the left of your phone until the ORAGE color is covered.

I know it does not look like a button BUT It is. althoug it does nothing when you 'press on it", right? .

The reason is that you have to push it UP.

Try and replay

See photo

User uploaded file


Sep 25, 2013 8:11 AM in response to Cob Apple

Thanks to icediver for fixing problem as I did not even know about the do not disturb function. Another case where Apple pulls a Microsoft. Why would you default to do not disturb when you load a new operating system? Had same problem with Ipad2 when I got it when I thought one of the speakers was out (did not play stereo) and it turned out it was set up for hearing impaired in a part of the OS that is not even in Sounds.


Oct 1, 2013 12:35 PM in response to Cob Apple

Im having a similar problem, same symptons but it is tempremental.

Sometimes chooses to go onto do not disturb mode and sometimes rings/textsound with no problem. Cannot understand it at all. I hope apple address the problem asap as they are not a cheap product at all. Fortunatly today i missed alot of calls from people i have no interest in talking to. Maybe this feature knows when you dont want to be disturbed. This time anyway.

Will keep watching to see if the problem happens again on my phone.


Oct 7, 2013 2:56 PM in response to Cob Apple

I have a 5S in an Otterbox Armor Case -- as it turns out -- turning the on/off switch on the side gives the signal that the ringer is being turned off or on -- I checked all the settings, followed all the tips here -- and was still not getting a ring tone. I removed the iPhone from the case, made sure the switch was on, called myself from my home phone and got a ring. When I went to put the phone back in the case, the switch went to the no ring mode --- I was able to re-insert the phone at an angle where the ringer stayed on and it's working fine now. I'm afraid, though, that taking it in and out of my pocket will result in it turning itself off --- very frustrating ....


Oct 16, 2013 7:17 PM in response to lynxgolfer

As silly as this sounds to someone reading this, it worked for me as well. I have searched this topic and have tried changing all sorts of settings as recommended - strange many people seem to have this problem, and each seems to have a different cure. I tried them all, thought this was rediculous, but it was simple enough to try. It rang out of the case, and at each step in replacing it in the case. Prior to trying this, I would manually activate the ringer off and on switch repeatedly and could not get the ringer to work. Try it you'll like it.


Oct 28, 2013 8:13 PM in response to Cob Apple

There is a button at the top left corner above the volume buttons. This is the key for "Do not disturb" mood. Sometimes by sudden touch, it gets activated and thus the problem creats. Simply push that button to turn it off/on if your ringer suddenly stops or you came to a situation where you do not want anyone to disturb 🙂


iPhone 5 does not ring for incoming calls post iOS 7 update.

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