This too happened to me today. Personal iPhone 5S, ios8.4. I will note that there is an update available to me 8.4.1.
I've never seen this message before, and I've owned iPhones since the weekend it was first sold.
I have no way of being sure it's the cause, but I recently traveled and connected my phone via Bluetooth to a borrowed vehicle, when I returned home and got into my own car, which automagically connects to my iPhone, the message appeared almost immediately.
it seems no one has an answer at the moment, but perhaps other folks can relate a similar event when using BT?
That said, I pressed LATER and closed iPhone. When I unlocked it next, it said "you have 57 minutes". I clicked later, went to settings, and changed it manually. It's since gone away. I couldn't bring myself to change my passcode by any type of prompts, it's just too creepy.
segalsegal wrote:
Someone showed me a strange dialog box that came up in the Mail app on iOS 7, with no mail message yet open. The dialog was titled "Passcode Requirement" and read "You must change your passcode within 60 minutes" and offered the choices "Later" and "Continue". I found no hint of such a requirement in the iPhone manual for iOS 7 ( and more stangely, not a single hit on a Google search using the text of the message. As a result, she was concerned about this dialog, and was able to dismiss it by clicking the Home button.
Does anyone know whether this dialog is a feature or malware?