AFP connections dropping on 10.8.5 Server
We are experiencing a very odd problem when AFP connections to our server are dropping part way through, which often then makes the client machine crash and force a hard reboot.
AFP logs on the server show nothing, but the /var/log/system.log events below show the disconnection as it happens.
Note I have installed the 10.8.5 Combo Updater, reinstalled the from the AppStore, experienced the same on various client machines, and seen the same problem.
We have plenty of disk space on both sides and the folder in question are about 40GB.
Disk Warrior on both ends has been used already, nothing interesting found.
Oddly enough connecting via SMB does not cause these problems.
Originally I thought it might be network related, but I tried connecting an Ethernet cable directly between client and server (bypassing the switch) and saw the same problem.
I can only surmise a recent OSX update (not sure if this problem is on the server end or client end) caused this problem.
Here are the log details:
Oct 7 18:28:14 KernelEventAgent[46]: tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
Oct 7 18:28:14 KernelEventAgent[46]: tid 00000000 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/INCOMING', from '//', not responding
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0xffffff801e112ef0
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect started /Volumes/INCOMING prevTrigger 0 currTrigger 1
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: doing reconnect on /Volumes/INCOMING
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/INCOMING
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: Max reconnect time: 30 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/INCOMING
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: connect to the server /Volumes/INCOMING
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: Logging in with uam 10 /Volumes/INCOMING
Oct 7 18:28:14 KernelEventAgent[46]: tid 00000000 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
Oct 7 18:28:14 frankie kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect: Restoring session /Volumes/INCOMING
Any ideas, suggestions appreciated!
OS X Server, 10.8.5