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How to locally sync an iPhone with OS X Mavericks? iCloud is NOT an option.

I read that OS X Mavericks will no longer allow me to use iTunes to sync my iPhone to a local system but makes iCloud mandatory? Is that correct?

iCloud is not a valid option for me since I have no control about my data there, I need to keep all my data (contacts, calendar...) on a system under my control and so far iTunes allowed me to do that which was one of the reasons I didn't even consider Android or Windows Phone.

OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

Posted on Oct 20, 2013 8:54 AM

3,162 replies

Nov 8, 2013 5:47 AM in response to 3498673498

3498673498 wrote:

This article (german) suggests the NSA is paying AT&T 10 Mio.$ each year for working with them.

Wonder how much Apple is getting...

https://netzpolitik.org/2013/att-erhaelt-ueber-10-millionen-usd-im-jahr-von-cia- fuer-verbindungsdaten/

I read it this morning. Well, one could imagine that all the big US companies are on the NSA's payroll. Apple is no exception. If they took privacy and data protection serious, and if they, as they claim, opposed the a gag order made by a "secrete court", they would relocate their company to another country where such practises don't exist. But they only care about profit - a few hundred million extra from the government every year in exchange for their "consumers" data is a welcome gift.

Nov 8, 2013 7:06 AM in response to 伊藤R

伊藤R wrote:

I read it this morning. Well, one could imagine that all the big US companies are on the NSA's payroll. Apple is no exception. If they took privacy and data protection serious, and if they, as they claim, opposed the a gag order made by a "secrete court", they would relocate their company to another country where such practises don't exist. But they only care about profit - a few hundred million extra from the government every year in exchange for their "consumers" data is a welcome gift.

Well, this might come a shock to many Americans, but Apple is in principal an Irish company. They moved their business to Ireland as main seat because of beneficial tax reasons (bless them). That was the reason Jim Cook had to show up for a chat with some senators not so very long ago. Pity they still operate as an American company (with lax attitude towards privacy, strange ideas about 'adult'ness of content and all that kind of weirdness) 😁

But all this is far off topic.

Nov 8, 2013 7:21 AM in response to Gerrit7

It's interesting to see how the Apple religion has changed a few user's minds when it comes to privacy and data protection. These are probably some young boys and girls who post every single activity of their life on Facebook and the likes anyways...

Well, then, if you decide to use an external server to sync your data, at least make sure it's not a US one.

You can register an account with Yandex (a Russian company based in moscow) and use their server to sync your contacts. Use the following settings.

  • Server name: carddav.yandex.ru
  • use SSL: leave ticked
  • Username: your yandex email address
  • Password: your password

They do currently not support task sync via CalDAV, but here are the settings for it:

  • Server name: caldav.yandex.ru
  • use SSL: leave ticked
  • Username: your yandex email address
  • Password: your password

Now you can argue whether its better to have your data shared with the NSA or the FSB. If I had to choose between the two, I'd go for the Russians.

Nov 8, 2013 7:24 AM in response to 伊藤R

Okay, "伊藤R". I'll definitely sign up with some random Russian site on the words of a new poster here, and not take Apple's word for it.

What benefits does Apple get from sharing your data? That's not their business model. Their business model is selling PRODUCTS.

Apple published a detailed article on government requests, and was careful to note their business model doesn't depend on sharing your data. I personally believe them. They have WAY more credibitility here than you do.


Nov 8, 2013 7:33 AM in response to William Lloyd

William Lloyd wrote:

Okay, "伊藤R". I'll definitely sign up with some random Russian site on the words of a new poster here, and not take Apple's word for it.

What benefits does Apple get from sharing your data? That's not their business model. Their business model is selling PRODUCTS.

Apple published a detailed article on government requests, and was careful to note their business model doesn't depend on sharing your data. I personally believe them. They have WAY more credibitility here than you do.

Apple, like most other US companies, probably gets paid for providing their "consumers" (terminology chosen by Apple when they speak of their customers) data to US authorities. Even if that wasn't the case, they will be forced by some "secret court" to disclose the required information. Either way, Apple DO share your information with the US government.

Regarding that "detailed article on government requests"... Well, what should I say...

Nov 8, 2013 7:46 AM in response to 伊藤R

伊藤R wrote:

Apple, like most other US companies, probably gets paid for providing their "consumers" (terminology chosen by Apple when they speak of their customers) data to US authorities.

You have absolutely no evidence to support this. You've just lost any credibility you ever had. You are now a card carrying member of the tin-foil hat club.

Nov 8, 2013 9:00 AM in response to Michael Black


I'm new to Mac OS but have been an iphone user since inception.

I have also used iCloud for 12 months and appart from some duplication of calendars on my Windows-based Outlook, there haven't been any problems until now.

However, I've just moved to a Macbook Pro (upgraded with full release of Mavericks and OfficeforMac) for my office work and authorised it to sync with my iphone as well as backing up and syncing to iCloud.

Sadly, the "Info" tab no longer exists when I dock the iphone. It's still there on my old Windows unit and it's from there that I control local sync of Outlook Calendars.

Both the Windows unit and my Mac are running the latest versions of iTunes.

My dilemma is that my Calendar on my iphone isn't up to date anymore and isn't synced with the Calendars on either the Mac or the PC.

I may be a Mac virgin but I simply can't understand what I may have got wrong.

Any useful suggestions appreciated.

Nov 8, 2013 11:05 AM in response to petermac87

petermac87 wrote:

Arnorf wrote:

Isn't that just 'handsOFFmydata's point. We need some clever developers to use their considerable talents to introduce an application to Mavericks that restores the choice to sync our Apple products either locally or via iCloud. We also need Apple to allow them the tools to do this with.

BTW I think SyncMate are no longer attempting to provide this option, for whatever reason.

So you would like to run Apple's employment policy? Do you really think they would associate themselves with third part developers such as these? You can inform them of your idea directly if you wish. Good luck with all that! 😁


Hold-on old son who mentioned anything about employment policy. Apple has clearly removed the entire local sync structure from the OS and I doubt they are likely to restore it anytime soon, this being part of their 10 year plan. I was simply adding my support for developers to come up with a solution that satisfies the requirements of those that can't use or don't want to use iCloud. Apple has always encouraged developers in the past to utilise the OS framework in new and innovative ways. My hope is that they will continue to provide this encouragement and the tools to do it with. This would include amongst other things making the finished product available throught the App Store.

Some will argue that we shouldn't have to buy an App to do what we were accustomed to doing before the "free upgrade". But stuff happens in life and we all have to find a way to deal with it, and sometimes requires a little help.

How to locally sync an iPhone with OS X Mavericks? iCloud is NOT an option.

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