I have tried every fix in the book and cannot get this to work. Tried the CIFS workaround. The volume will initially mount but after trying to move around the folder hierarchy, we get disconnected and the log shows the following:
4/2/14 10:21:21.107 AM mds[55]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7f987c08d000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/firmwaresyncd.8vAO0l
4/2/14 10:21:21.153 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “GROUP PROJECTS” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.153 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “GROUP PROJECTS” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.153 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “BMCC-FileShare” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.154 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “BMCC-FileShare” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.154 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “bmcc” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.154 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “bmcc” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.154 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “Royalty Free” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.154 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “Royalty Free” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.658 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “GROUP PROJECTS” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.658 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “GROUP PROJECTS” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.658 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “BMCC-FileShare” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.658 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “BMCC-FileShare” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.658 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “bmcc” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.659 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “bmcc” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.659 AM sharingd[194]: getVolumeRefNumForURL::CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 256, "The file “Royalty Free” couldn’t be opened.")
4/2/14 10:21:21.659 AM sharingd[194]: SDConnectedBrowser::getResourceValue(NSCocoaErrorDomain, 4, "The file “Royalty Free” doesn’t exist.")
4/2/14 10:21:38.511 AM ReadKit[175]: Sync timer fired
4/2/14 10:21:39.066 AM NetAuthSysAgent[683]: smb_mount: mount failed to URBSVR01/Sametime, syserr = Invalid argument
4/2/14 10:21:44.073 AM NetAuthSysAgent[683]: smb_mount: mount failed to URBSVR01/Employees, syserr = Invalid argument
4/2/14 10:22:11.736 AM mds[55]: (Warning) Volume: vsd:0x7f987c08d000 Open failed. failureCount:4 {
DisabledRecycleCount = 4;
4/2/14 10:22:14.094 AM Console[690]: setPresentationOptions called with NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen when there is no visible fullscreen window; this call will be ignored.