iMovie 10.0 and Network Drives
Hi fellow iMovie users
Having just upgraded my install following the release of the new iLife apps this evening, I am running into some trouble
I had enabled access to network and external drives for iMovie 9 and would now like to do the same with iMovie 10
In iMovie 9 this Terminal command did the trick
defaults write -app iMovie allowNV -bool true
In the new iMovie 10 I am trying to access the iMovie library on my network drive. File > Open Library > Other... > and finally selecting the iMovie library on my network drive
Now I see a popup reading:
Libraries cannot be saved at this location
The format of the selected hard disk or network volume is not supported. Select a different location.
Curious to see if anyone has a workaround or pointers.
I am looking forward to getting this working..