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Pages 5 features checklist

As you go through the new Pages 5 can you please add an added, missing or altered features here please.

I will start with some culled from the general discussions and if you could correct any errors add them:


1. Right to Left text ie Arabic, Farsi & Hebrew. Uncertain about Pashtu

2. Single model templates. You turn off document text to get rid of the default. Not sure if this then can be mixed and matched with Word Processing templates

3. Able to share outside iCloud


1. Selecting non-contiguous text gone

2. Outline view appears gone

3. Customizable Toolbar is gone

4. Many templates appear gone

5. Captured pages gone

6. Reorganize pages by dragging gone

7. Duplicate pages gone

8. Subscript/superscript buttons gone

9. Select all instances of a Style is gone

10. Retain zoom level of document gone

11. Facing pages gone

12. Endnotes gone

13. Media Inspector can't find iPhoto library on external drive

14. Update is missing for older installations, Apple is reportedly working on a solution via a redeemable code or update on the ir Support Download site


1. Language set under Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Show Spelling and Grammar now document wide

2. Subscript/superscript text is now a convoluted route Gear > Advanced options > Baseline > Subscript/Superscript

3. Header appears to be multi-column

4. New file format (but still .pages?) not backwardly compatible

5. Page numbering method changed

6. T.O.C. appears buggy

7. Template file storage location moved - to where?

8. Imported older .pages files are not translating properly

9. Text language is detected automatically now

Letting you know I can't test or verify any of these as I haven't got Mavericks yet.


iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

Posted on Oct 22, 2013 7:57 PM

1,554 replies

Oct 23, 2013 10:11 PM in response to Yellowbox

Yellowbox wrote:

Hi RBuday,

At least, that's what I pray Apple is foreshadowing. If so, a little peak inside their roadmap would have calmed a lot of nerves.

Well said. Apple plays it's cards close to the chest. If Apple has a grand plan, it would be good to hear it. However, speculation about Apple's roadmap is forbidden in these forums. A pity, because if you are correct, a roadmap would help adoption of the new software by reassuring the loyal users that this is a temporary move.

I fear that I have just broken the Terms of Use. 😀




Can you tell me what other temporary moves Apple has made? 😕

Without breaking the Terms of Use. 😁

Also what temporary words of consolation they have for the Users with the temporarily trashed documents?


Oct 23, 2013 10:16 PM in response to PeterBreis0807

Hi Peter,

I shall up(?)grade to the new versions of Pages and Numbers to help me understand the many questions now flooding these forums. However, I shall keep Pages'09 and Numbers'09 as the defaults for my everyday work.

To safeguard against any 😉 demise of iWork'09 I shall backup important data in plain text. And print on acid-free paper. Then store in a humidity-controlled vault.



Oct 23, 2013 10:26 PM in response to Yellowbox


Mike here again :-). Finding the old PAGES under APPLICATIONS/iWORK/Pages 09 was genius! This is what power users shoudl just do untiol Apple fixes the massive shortcommings in 5.

I tried to set the default app for PAGES docs to the Pages 09 using the GET INFO/OPEN WITH then CHANGE ALL so ALL pages docs default to the Pages 09. It woud NOT let me do this. It kept forcing Pages 5 as the default! Is there another way? I ended up deleting the new Pages and that did the trick--now it defaults to the Pags 09 and keeps the dosuments from being accidetally changed into the new ormat (un-openable with pages 09).

Thanks again!



Oct 23, 2013 10:32 PM in response to Mike Boone

Hi Mike,

I have not got as far as you have. My thoughts were to create an alias of Pages'09 from the Applications folder and drag that alias to the Dock. That (I think) would be my default app. When I really, really need Pages 5, I thought I could fire it up from Applications folder.

Please reply if this works. I am not really a guru.



Oct 23, 2013 10:33 PM in response to Yellowbox

Eureka! I have just reverted my iPad back to the old version of Pages 1.7.2 that is compatible with 4.3 (which I found and reverted to earlier by doing a search)

The basic instructions are here:


Unlike the article, I had to use Time Machine to reproduce an older version of iOS Pages. iTunes Apps are in the iTunes folder under 'Mobile Applications'. Once done, I moved it out of the iTunes folder and re-installed it as per the article.

I can sleep - my documents are safe once again.

Oct 23, 2013 11:12 PM in response to Jerrold Green1


It's kind of still there. Open one of the Apple templates, then select View>Inspector>Document Setup. About half way down, under the header and Footer information, un-check the box labeled "Document Body." Now you'll have a Page Layout document.

You can add back in the Document Body, but can't uncheck it again without losing all of the "Document Body" content.

Oct 24, 2013 12:34 AM in response to PeterBreis0807

New "feature:" if you want to open an existing template you previously created, you are forced to first add it to "Template Chooser." You can't simply open the template and use it. Seems like a very amateurish software design flaw. It's totally unnecessary.

I use an ever expanding number of templates all day long. Adding each different template to my "Template Chooser" is not workable for me.

Have to go back to 4.3.

Oct 24, 2013 1:56 AM in response to Mike Boone

Mike Boone wrote:

3. Selecting a section/page in thumbnail window to delete it — GONE so how do you delete a section now!?

11. Add a section - GONE (in that it only adds it to end of the document—does not INSERT it, it adds it and then you cannot move it to another place).

Vis 3. As per online help system, to delete a section (break) you delete the section (break) as you did before in 4.3. To delete the text / content of a section you have to select the text in the document and delete it. So this is possible, but the easier way of doing it (deleting sections in thumbnail browser) is no longer available.

Vis 11. You can add sections in the middle of other sections - there may be several ways of doing it, but one that seems to work is simply to scroll to text in the middle of a section of text, and go to the 'Section' pane (Setup Gear, Section Tab on RHS) and click on the drop-down "Create New Section" - which offers to add one at end of the section or 'Starting with this page'. Not exactly what you could do before, but it is certainly not the case that you can only add sections to end of document


Pages 5 features checklist

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