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Mavericks Mail app and Gmail Drafts folder

After installing Mavericks I'm unable to unselect "Store draft messages on the server" and "Store sent messages on the server" checkboxes under my Gmail accounts settings. Unselecting both checkboxes and saving settings works for up to a minute or so - after that the check marks re-appear again by themselves. As a result I end up with dozens of half-finished drafts in the Trash folder after I finish the original and send it out.

I used to have both checkboxes unselected prior to Mavericks, and everything was working fine.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)

Posted on Oct 22, 2013 10:45 PM

154 replies

Dec 15, 2013 11:42 PM in response to takoateli

Mail is not a new product, and it's not a "littke hiccup" when I don't see incoming e-mail for over 12 hours on Mavericks yet I see it on previous gen OS X releases and on my iPhone. Maybe you don' tcare to missi 12 hours worth of e-mail, but I certainly do. Apple botched Mavericks like they botched iOS 7. I just don't get the impression that anyone is wandering the halls of Cupertino and making peple accountable for releasing crap product anymore.

I've had MobileMe since the beginning, and been an Apple user and cusotmer since the Apple ][, so I've seen my share of Apple disasters, but they are nowere near this mess with a critical piece of system functionality like Mail.

So yes, I do think that quality has taken a nosedive at Apple since Steve's departure.

Dec 16, 2013 8:45 AM in response to Mike Bender

I agree, Apple products are clearly taking a turn for the worse now that Steve's micro-management and attention to detail is gone (I say this having worked with him, many years ago, and knowing in my gut that he would be very displeased with things like iOS 7, the "ghost" scroll bar, and other changes). Nevertheless, it's not going to get any better, so we have to make do with what we've got...

Toward that end, I finally managed to "solve" the Mail problem. Like you, I've been frustrated by Mail failing to sync with my Google Apps mailbox, I've seen dozens of "draft" replications on the server, I don't want Mail to delete my mail (only archive), and I've had the various problems with Mail and Google label/folder structure. These problems have been getting successively worse with each major Mail release.

It's gotten to a point that I had to find a solution. I recieve about 100-200 messages per day. I can't have my mail application failing me.

I looked around, tried some other options, and stumbled upon Unibox.

I was skeptical at first. Unibox has a trial, and I encourage anyone that's frustrated with Apple Mail to try it (http://www.uniboxapp.com). It's a bit different, but it's also polished. Very polished, for a 1.0 release. One of the things I have always loved about Apple Mail is that it's polished, easy to use, and is all-around a great mail application. Unibox is the same.

Be warned though, it takes a little mental shift: Unibox organizes mail by person, not by timeline or subject. At first this was very alien, but after one week with it, I love it. Absolutely love it. It makes perfect sense and honestly, I can't understand why nobody thought of this before (well, Airmail kind of did, at least they support a view that is similar but they haven't taken it to the level that Unibox has). And, if Unibox adds just a few of the features I've suggested, it's going to be a really fantastic application.

Good luck... I hope you find Unibox as good a solution as I have. I don't use Apple Mail anymore, and I'm not missing it at all.

PS... If Unibox isn't for you, but you also have given up on Apple Mail... my fall-back was Airmail. It's a good product but it lacks the polish and simplicity of Unibox, at least in my mind.

Dec 16, 2013 3:21 PM in response to patplusplus

I still have the same issues with Gmail in Mavericks after updating to Mail 7.1 (1827). All my mailboxes get synchronized after a message is received, moved, or deleted. The syncing can last several minutes, because I have over a hundred mailboxes, and the sound notification only comes at the end of this long sync. As a result, I often miss new messages until the bell sound finally chimes.

I never had problems with Gmail in previous Mac OS systems (10.6-10.8). Now, my activity monitor is almost always connecting with Gmail, trying to sync all mailboxes, even when there was no change to 99% of them.

I was really sure that this would be addressed in the update, but no...

PS: I gave up on having drafts synchronized on the server altogether.

Dec 17, 2013 7:22 AM in response to patplusplus

I must concur with patplusplus. Did the latest update from Apple today (10.9.1 update) supposedly addressing a Gmail/Apple Mail issue:

Improved support for Gmail in OS X Mail, and fixes for users with custom Gmail settings

After completing the 10.9.1 update, the Multiple Drafts issue is still with me.😟

After the update I reverted to the original Gmail Settings that I was using prior to Mavericks (ie enabled 'Show Drafts in IMAP'), because I have been using Steve Rhynes workaround (of disabling 'Show Drafts in IMAP'), post Mavericks installation, and since I first discovered this Multiple Drafts issue. It was then clear that the problem still persisits: Multiple Drafts began appearing in a Drafts folder as I was writing an email.

So I disabled the 'Show Drafts in IMAP' again, as Steve suggested, and his workaround still functions, though with the caveat that I am still unable to store Drafts on the server (having had to disable them to prevent multiple Drafts being produced). The lesser of two evils methinks........

So now we go back to, patiently, waiting again - perhaps the next update, perhaps not, we carry on.....

Anyone else succeed this time?

Dec 17, 2013 9:13 PM in response to Ronaldus

I've got the multiple drafts issue too. Part of me thinks this is a battle between Apple and Google and we're the fodder, or maybe it's just Apple dropping the ball and not scrambling fast enough to recover. I'll be using AirMail till Apple gets their act together. If AirMail adds a few features I might not go back to Apple Mail even if Apple fixes it.

To be fair to the Apple Mail development team, they were probably caught flat footed by the appearance of Mavericks. It's not like Apple announces new OS versions in the works at developer's conferences or gets beta releases out there for people to experiement on. I'm sure Mavericks was such a secret project even the Mail developers didn't know about it.

Mavericks Mail app and Gmail Drafts folder

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