I'm not sure if you are directed towards me, but if you are... I'm sorry if I gave you that impression on that people needed IT. My intent was to have to people stop blaming Apple when some knowledge is needed which is why I'm providing some knowledge saying that the best thing is to start fresh with Maverick Server and get DNS FQDN configured correctly. I'm not saying that that Server is intended only for IT personal, but it does require some knowledge to get it to run correctly.
I know I did give bits of information here and there why it is important to setup the server with a FQDN since those are the hoops that I had to jump through when I upgraded from previous OS X Servers. At this point people should start all over and get FQDN configured with DNS.
---Note this is just a way of doing this
Anyway Backup your data... first
Then wipe out your drive
Install 10.9
after installing it.. configure your server with a internal static LAN IP (example
download the Server App.....
don't run it yet...
If you have another computer or server with DNS server .. configure say
make sure you do a reserve DNS so when it checks the, it can pull up
Im sure there might be a easier way to do this but hey I have other servers.
Next configure 10.9 to use your other DNS server.
After that.... run the Server App so it can start configuring and so it can pull up the FQDN from your other DNS server.
Once you configure 10.9 Server and it's running.. Run the DNS Server and do the same configuration as you did on the other DNS server.
After that... figure in System Prefs in Networks the DNS address that it uses which is itself
I know this might sound a little bit confusing for some, but this one one of the possible first steps on getting it configured to work right with a FQDN.