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I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!

Is there a way to return the colour folders when using the new tags like the old behavior of labels? These new circle thingees are too small and barely noticable.

OS X Mavericks (10.9)

Posted on Oct 23, 2013 6:45 PM

1,803 replies

Jan 21, 2016 12:50 PM in response to Yer_Man

No, I am not being "offered more accurate tags." That is the problem and the reason I want the auto-fill nightmare turned OFF.

I type faster than Apple auto-fills. That makes every tag I try to type accurately a spelling battle -- me against a stupid robot. And, yes, these bizarre tangles of useless letters are kept on file so they can come back to haunt me every time. I am so not appreciative.

I know I can do all kinds of time-consuming, annoying things to correct every spelling fiasco Apple's auto-fill nightmare creates but I don't want to waste my time that way. The keywords function worked flawlessly before Mavericks destroyed it.

I have only one question. Nothing else matters. Does anybody know how to turn OFF the auto-fill demand for tags/keywords when saving a file in any OS after Mavericks?

Thank you.

Jan 23, 2016 5:12 PM in response to HappyTexas

And people wonder why I am still using os 10.6.8.

Apple software is really starting to look like Microsoft. And I mean that in the most derogatory manner possible.

They have forgotten the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid!

The more automatic crap they add the more difficult they make it as you try to bypass the automatic crap that never works correctly.

Apple software is becomming as bad as sutomatic toilets that don't flush properly and automatic faucets that are like a mystery game to turn on, or so sensitive they turn on when you walk past them.

Jan 23, 2016 6:33 PM in response to allenbundy1

Thank you for that confirmation, allenbundy1. I knew I couldn't be the only disappointed user. Been using Apple since the 1980s and quality has gone down-hill dramatically in recent years.

And thank you for saying you use 10.6.8 instead of some idiotic animal or scenic view name. Who ever thought those arbitrary catchphrases would designate any kind of sequence must've been drinking too much water from the Flint River.

Mar 11, 2016 2:44 PM in response to Madashelluphere

I'm reposting this post from August 2015, again to help other users like me searching for an answer, as the thread has again been hijacked.


A brief summary, current as of August 2015, in an attempt to help anyone new looking for a solution:

  • labels are no longer present in either Mavericks or Yosemite
  • there are two third-party Finder plugins available which reinstate or mimic the old label behaviour for both folders and files
  • one is called XtraFinder
  • the other is called TotalFinder
  • one is free, the other is but $9
  • both are very simple to set up
  • I cannot post direct links as it is against the TOU of this forum
  • there are also other more expensive and complex third party solutions out there such as PathFinder (which is a complete replacement for Finder rather than a plug-in)
  • both XtraFinder and TotalFinder may no longer work come El Capitan

Upgraded to Yosemite this week (from Snow Leopard!), discovered labels replaced by tags, looked for a solution, spent hours wading through this ridiculously mammoth thread which seems mostly to consist of about four users in a three-year argument, figured this summary might help other users avoid having to do the same.

Jun 4, 2016 10:52 AM in response to bpcmemorial

I'm glad there is such an intense discussion on this topic. Many valid points of view.

The one thing that most people are overlooking is that "Tags" are not just a changed version of the old “Labels” but rather a new “Tags” system . Unfortunately “Labels” were removed. Reason...? unknown.

I can understand the benefit of using “Tags” as opposed to “Labels”. The ability to tag an item with several tags, searching capabilities, etc. but removing “Labels” was what caused the storm of complaints.

If Apple had found a way to preserve the “Labels” feature and had simply added the “tags” feature this thread would not exist.

It seems to me that it shouldn't be too hard to do. They may have to add a discrete column for the “Tag” dots. (which they should have done in the first place) that would allow the color of the “Labels” to not interfere with the Tags colors. Keep the background of the Tags column white.


And keep the TAGS feature as well. They are two distinctly different functions.

Jun 4, 2016 11:02 AM in response to Goldfish

yes YES

I REALLY need coloured LABELS returned to us APPLE

My process has suffered since they were dropped.

I am an artist and also a researcher (history) - and labels created a world where I could move items around in creative ways quickly to find / re catalogue / and test ideas / groups etc

The tags are something completely different and the dots seem practically invisible to me - I avoid them


Jun 4, 2016 12:10 PM in response to macbookpro_tasmania

As has been stated many times before in this thread, this is a USER-TO-USER forum, and Apple does not live here.

I would encourage you to file a bug or feature enhancement with Apple at either:



Free ADC (Apple Developer Connection) account needed for BugReporter.

Anyone can get a free account at:



Mac OS X Feedback


PS. Labels have been gone for a long time now, so it is unlikely Apple will miraculously restore Labels, without a lot of people expressing their desire for label support via channels such as above, where Apple does actually look at them.

Since Apple does not look at these forums for customer feedback nor input, even when there are 115 pages of comments, all the "Me Too" posts are not doing anything.

Jun 4, 2016 7:41 PM in response to macbookpro_tasmania

You can submit feedback to Apple until the cows come home. Won't change a thing. Apple is not going to back and do this for a version that is almost three years old (the age of this thread) and soon to be dropped for support. If they intended doing it, they would have already done that in a point update, years ago.

Just get XtraFinder, free, which will fix this for you in under five minutes.

Jun 6, 2016 3:50 PM in response to BobHarris

Feedback and bug reports are a guaranteed dead end. Been there, done that, repeat, repeat, repeat.

I relied "keywords," as it was called back in the good ol' functional days, to create a very useful but very extensive file system I've had to abandon due to Apple's fixing a problem that did not exist. I get it that today's tags can be used the same way and I wish I could do that. I've tried repeatedly. My problem isn't so much "tags," as we're stuck with them today. My problem is the inability to turn off the maddeningly slow and inaccurate auto-fill element of it all.

Asking again: does anybody know how to turn off the auto-fill element of this retrograde upgrade?


I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!

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