How do I change margins in Numbers?
How do I change the page margins in the new version of Numbers?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), help
How do I change the page margins in the new version of Numbers?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), help
Currently we do all our customer reports in Numbers and keep trying to find a way to enter new data in the field using the iPad while keeping the integrity of the margins. The Numbers app has never synced with our margins. We had great hopes for the new version but are seriously considering converting everything to Excel.
Meanwhile, you may not have to revert back to Numbers '09. Just use it to create a template that you can keep in Numbers 3. See Shawn L.'s solution and Ian's elaboration in the workarounds thread.
Is this iworks the new "Maps" at Apple. I can't believe i have actually thought about purchasing Office.
Hi All,
Downloading Numbers 3 did not overwrite Numbers '09 which works as well as ever. Look for a folder called iWork '09 inside your Applications folder.
Having to revert back to Number '09 is not a fix. This is seriously stupid of Apple and extremely frustrating and customer unfriendly. I hope they fix this soon.
Hi Revralphie;
The option for changing page margins in Numbers (3.2.2(1878)) is provided in the Print Setup panel that is invoked by pressing Command+P.
Hi Naikosen,
Well I guess it is obvious how ofter I print. I will remember your post next april.
How do I change margins in Numbers?