Last time I tried to do this, I couldn't find any file to delete, and the ones I thought were it, weren't, and the Other data remained. But here's one thing I did discover. After iOS 8 was released, I tried to see if this issue had been resolved, and it hadn't, it continued. However, I did notice something different thing time. I played a couple lengthy HD movies on my 16GB iPod Touch until I got the message that my storage was full, which was after about 2 1/2 movies, so not bad. I then let it set for about 10 minutes while I did some more research on the issue. Next time I looked, my storage data had returned back to what it was with just the couple of apps I had on it, back to normal. So it seems that the cached data goes away on its own now? Not sure, but I tried another test. I let it fill up again. This time, I tried to watch to see if the data would return on its own, and it went from about 50MB being free to about 2GB being free in a few seconds, few more seconds, it was back to normal. This was all while on my home Wi-Fi network, not connected to iTunes or anything. I haven't tried this again yet, but it seems like that might be happening now. I haven't tried this with my iPad cause that would take more work to restore than my iPod Touch if it didn't work on there, but I'm good with it that way for now, I'll worry about whether or not it'll do the same on my iPad later or not. But by then, hopefully Apple will decide to make iTunes in the Cloud its own app so video isn't cached anymore. Not to mention that unless the Wi-Fi is extremely good, it could take a few minutes before you could really get going watching on HD movie because of how it's having to cache. If it's going to cache, at least cache faster than that cause haven't to wait like 5 minutes just so I can hope for at least 30min. of no buffering is ridiculous. If Netflix, Hulu and other similar services can do that, why can't Apple?