Hi, I havent made any big changes to AFP and I dont use SMB at any price as it doesnt have the data rate that AFP does(or at least till SMB2 the latest update by Apple etc). All our clients connect via AFP and LDAP/Open directory. All clients have static IP's and are bound to the directory and I run DHCP for these on the servers also.
I quote some old notes on afp byJohn De Toye > "The‘aggressive reconnect.’ This was implemented to allow
for minor network interruptions. When a client drops the connection to the server
accidentally (a network burp), the server will allow the session to remain active for a period
of time. Meanwhile, the client goes into panic mode (not ‘kernel panic’ mode - just a low
state of paranoia) and aggressively reattaches itself to the server, if possible. The problem is
that this disconnect may be an idle timeout/logout - and the client will try to reconnect. Or it
may be a logout and sleep by a portable, and the server interprets it as an accident. The
default timeout for this is 1440 minutes - a tad bit long."
Hence I set my TTL rate as below. Hope this helps.
sudo serveradmin settings afp:reconnectTTLInMin = 20