This solved for me.
I set my resolution from "Auto" to 1080p - 60 Hz. Then set my Dolby from auto to ON as well.
Restarted. Watched "Example Short" on Netflix, stream started at 3000 kbps, dropped to 2350 kbps for about 5 seconds, shot up to 3850 kbps, and then stayed stable at 4300 kbps for remainder. I flipped to couple other SuperHD movies on Netflix, seemed to be high quality (no pixelation at start).
Don't know if this will work long term, but it's working for me.....
p.s. I was getting the 235 kbps scenario like everyone else - sometimes maxing at 1050 kbps - but it was crapshoot to watch Netflix - this seemed to have solved it