My phone just died..won't charge or turn's only a yr old iPhone 5
My iPhone 5 died.. Won't charge and won't turn on.. It's only a yr old...any ideas what happened..
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.4
My iPhone 5 died.. Won't charge and won't turn on.. It's only a yr old...any ideas what happened..
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.4
Hello sir, your advice was very helpful. Recently, my Iphone 5s shut down because of battery drainage, then it was hot. I tried to put it in front of an electric fan to make it a bit cooler. Then I saw this wall on Google, so I tried your advice. In less than ten seconds, it worked, and currently I charge it. Thank you sir!!!! Have a nice day ahead.
Nooooo. I did all of the above and did not work. So went to see Apple, they tested and said cannot fix the phone as it is dead. Since it is out of warranty, 4 months, I need to pay for the replacement-400$. No thanks. It is ridiculous to have to pay for an iphone that died with no cause and pay for another one. This phone is only 16 months old.
Brought it back to Apple. They said it is dead. Their service people looked at it. They offer me two choices: send to Apple for repairs. Cost 457$. Or They can sell me a replacement model for 400$.
How did it happen. I was at the airport (LAX), the phone said 9% battery, then blacked out. I plugged the charger in. At first the Apple Logo came on and stayed on for about an hour or so. Nothing changed. Cannot move the screen. Then after pressing home and on/off button, it went completely black. There was no water damage, sudden change of temperature, no environmental or accidental issues. It just died.
The phone is 16 months old. I am still tied to the carrier for another year or so on contract, still paying for this **** phone. This is unacceptable. I have heard of design obselence, but this is ridiculous. The bigger Apple gets, the more obnoxious they become and more dependent we are going to be. They should not sell a phone that requires the customer to purchase warranty or extended warranty for that matter. As a product, it should provide a minimum level of warranty, at least if they are going to partner with telephone carriers for 2-3 years. At the minimum, the phone should last that long.
This is absolutely a farce. This just makes me convert to an android user.
Hi I also had the same issue with my iPhone 6S took to Apple store , support looked and said it's dead. Which basically means phone is into garbage can you let me know if you had any resolution after that .
My iphone 5s was working perfectly until it died fully i let it charge for a hour and did the hard restore and computer thing but nothing works idk wat coulda happened
See here: If you tried everything, then I guess it is time to purchase a new phone.
Has it suffered any water damage? - beware that Apple can tell if it has sufferd water damage.
try resetting the iPhone but pressing the Home and Sleep button at the same time for about 15 seconds or so. Release the buttons if you see the Apple logo come on the screen. The iPhone will then reboot and all should be well.
If no Apple logo after about 30 seconds, I am afraid that it is probably a more serious problem and needs to be taken back to Apple for them to have a look at.
Hard Reset
Press and hold BOTH the Sleep/Wake button & the Home button until you see the Apple logo on the screen.
if no result try
recovery mode
open itunes on computer
plug cable into computer not iOS device
turn device off
hold home button and plug cable into IOS device. do not release home button until an itunes graphic appears on IOS device.
look to computer should have message about recovery mode click ok and restore
Peace, Clyde
if u need an article see
I agree with Rapha el123. But you might try holding the buttons down for more than 30 seconds. My wife's iphone 4S did the same thing and I had to hold the buttons down for nearly 2 minutes before it would restart. After that it was fine.
Also if the battery is really dead, I mean down to zero power, it may need to sit on the charger for up to 15 minutes before it has enough power to turn on the screen.
I had same problem with my newish 5s. Holding both buttons for about 15 secs worked.
Thanks guys!
I am having the same problem with my 2 month old iPhone 5s. I have tried holding both buttons for up to 2 minutes both plugged in and un-plugged with no results, other than dead iphone - no charger icon.
I have tried the other method with plugging the iphone in whle holding the home button, the problem with this is that I dont think it fully detects the cable in the first place. When I plug it into any power source it will keep showing the icon that represents no charger and no battery.
If anyone could help me I would be Eternally grateful!
omg thankyou soo much, I thought that my phone was really broken aha x
Hi Make an Appointment at Apple Store they should give you a replacement . Cheers Brian
thanks Rapha el123
Same thing just happened to my iPhone 5 today and I was a bit scared!
After trying your way, everything is solved and I'm happy now.
you guys are the best 🙂
Thank you so much your excellent advice just helped me "fix" a distraught friends phone. 🙂
My phone just died..won't charge or turn's only a yr old iPhone 5