If you are just after a 1 time sync to transfer your contacts to your mac there is a way via Google / Gmail. It's a pain in the bump since you need an account everywhere and they all want phone numbers and personal datas etc, but at least it works. Though I did it the other direction Mac -> outlook.com (people)
1. I got my mac contacts synced with Google (Gmail). That works pretty fine.
2. I then connected my outlook.com account with Google. Thats even more easy and can be done from within outlook.com.
3. Outlook.com then shows the contacts from Goggle as Google contacts in the same address book as the (maybe) already existing contacts from outlook.com. But you also can export / import them now as CSV file!
4. I did even go further and connected my work PC's outlook with outlook.com and so was able to finally upload (via the MS exchange server of the company) all Mac contacts to my windows phone (Nokia Lumina) and work PC.
It can be done shorter I know, since you could export CSV file from Google and then get it in the PC outlook directly, but I actually was looking for a constant synchronisation so:
Windows phone <-> Work PC outlook <-> Mac
have always all the same contacts and I can make changes from any device. Well, actually it looks like this now:
Windows phone <-> Work PC outlook <-> Oulook.com - Google <-> Mac
The cherry on the cake would have been to have the iCloud involved too, but I already had to cancel that to make the constant sync between Google and Mac possible.
So far no luck here. Currently the problem is that the work PC outlook does only get the outlook.com contacts synced but since the google contacts are only shown there and not automatically imported, it is all stuck at Google.
I wonder if anyone ever will come up with a one in all solution, I am sick of moving my contacts around changing formats or loosing infos while doing so every time.