Wow, I'll spare you all the rant, but this is just ridiculous.
In order to get registered I had to slightly modify the approach recommended here (editing the form via Inspect Element). This works for US based registrations only.
When modifying the form you need to be concerned with two elements: country and state. After finding the country element with Inspect Element, modify the value to be US.
You will then need to modify the state. However, the system is expecting a state code, not a state abbreviation. Here are the codes. For example, if your state is New Jersey, change the value of the state option to 649. Good luck.
614 = Alabama
615 = Alaska
621 = America Samoa
616 = Arizona
617 = Arkansas
618 = Armed Forces Americas
619 = Armed Forces Europe
620 = Armed Forces Pacific
622 = California
623 = Colorado
624 = Connecticut
625 = Delaware
626 = District of Columbia
627 = Florida
628 = Georgia
629 = Guam
630 = Hawaii
631 = Idaho
632 = Illinois
633 = Indiana
634 = Iowa
635 = Kansas
636 = Kentucky
637 = Louisiana
638 = Maine
639 = Maryland
640 = Massachusetts
641 = Michigan
642 = Minnesota
643 = Mississippi
644 = Missouri
645 = Montana
646 = Nebraska
647 = Nevada
648 = New Hampshire
649 = New Jersey
650 = New Mexico
651 = New York
652 = North Carolina
653 = North Dakota
654 = Ohio
655 = Oklahoma
656 = Oregon
659 = Pacific Islands
657 = Palau
658 = Pennsylvania
661 = Rhode Island
662 = South Carolina
663 = South Dakota
664 = Tennessee
665 = Texas
667 = United States Federal
666 = Utah
668 = Vermont
669 = Virgin Islands
670 = Virginia
671 = Washington
672 = West Virginia
673 = Wisconsin
674 = Wyoming