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Pink tint with new external monitor

When I heard that I should have no problem with an external monitor on a Mac Mini i had a feeling it

was too good to be true and that feeling's been confirmed.

My main monitor is an Acer G246HL - it's 24" with a max resolution of 1920x1080.

All I wanted to do was connect an external display mirroring the same as the master monitor.

I bought a smaller screen-size 2nd monitor (an Acer 21.5") capable of a maximum

1920x1080 resolution. Contrary to another thread saying i shouldn't have any problem with undistorted display on both

monitors, upon getting it all bought and connected up, the external has an overwhelming pink/purple "hue" that renders the

mirrored display unusable. I'm running my main monitor without a problem off the HDMI. The 2nd one connected via the

Thunderbolt/MiniDisplayPort - using a VGA connection to the monitor. Toggled all the different display options as far as

resolution and calibration and nothing changes the pink tint which is so glaring it is difficult to look at.

Why is something advertised as doable and then so often not doable in actuality and one only finds out after the fact in

reading that others have similar occurences with no solid answer from Apple that resolves the issue. Sorry - ranting there... Mainly

just want to know if anyone does know of this phenomena and what - if anything i can do to get the identical screen display on the

external - color and everything - as the main screen appears? Just doesn't seem fair to promote mirrored displays when they

prove to not work after one invests in a 2nd monitor on the declared premise by a manufacturer that in in fact will 'mirror' without

distortion or issue so long as both monitors share the same resolution capability - which these do - both Acer family and 1920x1080-


Thanks for any guidance. Maybe this is something i could use Apple Mac Mini Support for ?? I have about a month left for

complimentary support on the Mini. Purchased less than 90 days ago. Hope you can help and appreciate your time reading this!


(PS: Below was a thread reply when i inquired on the forums about whether i could run an external monitor)


>>MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), June 2013 1.3

You say both have the same resolution so no problem at all.

See the answer in context



Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

Posted on Feb 16, 2014 10:34 PM

12 replies

Feb 16, 2014 10:50 PM in response to MIKEinMICH

Does that 21.5" monitor also have a digital (Display Port, DVI or HDMI) input port..?

If so, then you should use one of the digital inputs instead of the old analog input.

If it has Display Port input, you should use a simple Mini DisplayPort to Display Port cable.

If it has DVI input, you should use a Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter and a DVI cable.

If it has HDMI input, you should use a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter and a HDMI cable.

Feb 16, 2014 11:59 PM in response to den.thed

Ok, yes - both are Acers - same generation, connections, just different screen-sizes. The 21.5" has a DVI and VGA port.

As such, on the Mini (i7 Late 2012) I have my 23' main monitor connected using: HDMI>DVI.

I was running Tbolt(Mini DisplayPort to VGA on the 21.5" external.

I gather then I need to try strictly going Mini DisplayPort to DVI for the external(2nd) monitor.

An update - I did switch out the VGA cable i was using (a long run - abt. 25 ft) for a heavier-duty one and got

rid of the tint - yet instead of a clean duplication of the main display, i got a "ghosted" display of it - i.e. color

correct but somewhat blurred icons/text - unfocused... still unusable. So is it possible going DVI will eliminate that issue? (Just asking since it entails yet another in a long history of cable purchases - in this case a long-run DVI for the remote monitor).

Thanks for your help!


Feb 17, 2014 8:37 AM in response to MIKEinMICH

Ahaa... OK your using a long cable.

Both (DVI & VGA) cables have the potential for signal deterioration and interference the longer they get. For that it is best to use the shortest and best sheilded cable that you can find for your setup.

Have a look at > VGA vs. DVI

or better yet > All About DVI

Both article's tend to suggest that a high quality VGA cable would be best for your setup, because a DVI run that long might require a powered signal booster.


As for color, tent, brightness, contrast..?

It does take some time fussing around with both the OS X profiles and Monitor settings to get two display to look the same.

I know, because I have matching 21.5" Samsung's that sit right next to each other. 😉

Start by using the same OS X Color Profile for both monitors and then fine tune using the monitor(s) menu(s).

Feb 17, 2014 8:33 AM in response to den.thed

Hi, thanks for your links- much appreciated. I should've thought about the longer-run possibly causing the degradation or anomalies -- i'm an audio guy and usually a 25-30 foot run isn't an issue - Acutally i did wind up

ordering a long-run DVI cable ( a 25-foot with decent shielding) so i'll see how that goes -- figured it's worth a try and can always return it

if it fails and try a higher quality long VGA cable per the article(s).

Thanks again,


Feb 17, 2014 8:41 AM in response to MIKEinMICH

You are welcome!

As for the color, tent, brightness, contrast thing...?

It does take some time fussing around with both the OS X profiles and Monitor settings to get two display to look the same.

I know, because I have matching 21.5" Samsung's sitting right next to each other.

Start by selecting the same OS X Color Profile for both monitors and then fine tune using the monitor(s) menu(s).

Feb 17, 2014 3:45 PM in response to den.thed

There is one other question on this if you don't mind. I wonder if the fact that one is a larger screen-size and the other is a 21.5 size - would possibly make a difference as far as causing this blurred effect on the smaller monitor.. My thought was that so long as both monitors were able to handle identical resolution specs, the screen size was not an issue, that is, a 23 inch master monitor is connected via DVI>HDMI - and the 21.5 inch with the long-run cable to another room - is connected using the MiniDisplayport>VGA cable. The latter one gets the color right but has a blurred image apperance.

Sorry to drag this one out...just trying to explore all considerations in my process of elimination

Thanks again!

Feb 18, 2014 5:31 PM in response to den.thed

Actually there's another option that came to mind - well, not sure if it is an option or not. Is there such a thing as a video monitor switch box which would allow me to select between Monitor A and Monitor B - in other words, so it wouldn't really matter what kind of resolution each individual monitor had - one could be 21 " and the other a 24" - and all i would be doing is switching the video out to read either one or the other at a time -- then i wouldn't even need to use 'mirroring' AFAIK and it would solve my goal of being able to go into another room and use the display independent of the other one - and vice versa.

ANy idea if such a device exists and any reason that wouldn't logically work?

Thanks again - and sorry to keep dragging this topic out - just pausing to reflect before i go selling off the 21" monitor to buy a matching 24" one just to get an external monitor to give me the same clear signal as the main monitor.



Feb 18, 2014 7:58 PM in response to MIKEinMICH

MIKEinMICH wrote:

ANy idea if such a device exists and any reason that wouldn't logically work?

Can't say for sure because I haven't personally tried any.

Plus then wouldn't you have to run both monitors VGA 😟

I have always run dual monitors in Extended Desktop Mode (including a 17" iMac and a 21.5" external monitor) which allows you to choose a different resolution for each monitor.

1. What about putting the Display Icon on the Menu bar and then just selecting the correct Resolution for which ever monitor your working at...?

2. Or what about running the setup in Extended Desktop Mode and then moving either the open window or even the Menu Bar to the Monitor that you are working at....?

For more see > Using Dual Displays on Mac OS X: The Experience

Pink tint with new external monitor

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