I agree that it is most likely caused by 3rd party conflicts. Here's a possible fix (not tested for this issue, as I am not having it) that can resolve 3rd party software conflicts:
1. Navigate to the root library, located at /Library.
2. Look in the /Library/Launch Agents and /Library/Launch Daemons folders.
3. Look in /Library/Startup Items as well. There may not be anything in here, which is perfectly normal.
4. Create a folder on your desktop that corresponds to each of these folders. For example, I create an LA, LD, and SI folder on my desktop.
5. Move the contents of the folders to the corresponding folders created on your desktop.
6. Open System Preferences > Users and Groups ("Accounts" on older systems)
7. Remove all third party login items by clicking on them, then the minus sign.
8. Restart the computer and test to see if the issue persists.
Any Apple content in any of these folders can be left alone. To simplify this process, the contents of the /Library/Launch Agents, Launch Daemons, and Startup Items can be dragged to the trash can. This will not result in loss of any data, but will result in these programs not starting automatically when you start the computer.
I hope this helps, let me know if it works.