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iPad 2 VPN access with iOS 7.1

I updated one of my iPads to iOS 7.1. The upgrade went smoothly but now when I connect to a VPN service (strongvpn) the performance is terrible and I can no longer stream videos through the VPN. My other iPad which I have not updated yet continues to work fine with the VPN as does my iPhone 4s which has also been updated to 7.1. I have used the ookla speed test and get about a 40Mb/s download speed when not connected to the VPN this drops to under 1Mb/s when I run the test after I connect to the VPN . The other iPad and iPhone get about 12Mb/s download speed via the VPN.

I have tried turning off other features like cellular data, Bluetooth etc but nothing changes. I even went so far as to completely reset the iPad and start from scratch but whatever I try I cannot get any improvement in the download speed when connected through the VPN so streaming video is impossible.

I have been in contact with Strongvpn but they have no idea what is going on. All my other devices continue to perform well - just this iPad since it was updated.

Has anyone else who uses Strongvprn successfully updated their iPad 2 without issue?

Thanks in advance for any tips or feedback

Posted on Mar 13, 2014 6:32 AM

142 replies

Mar 13, 2014 3:12 PM in response to GromitD90

iPad 3 here different VPN provider, same issue. I have had constant crashes for several month on my iPad so I was looking forward to 7.1 so I wasn't very happy when it broke a feature i use everyday.

Done with Apple. They just don't test their software. Their quality control clearly isn't a premium product.

The crashing back to the Apple logo still happens too. Even in apple apps.

Beyond a hole at this stage.

Mar 13, 2014 3:23 PM in response to Back2basicsTestsoftware

And BTW, to add insult to injury apple no longer support downgrading as of 7.1 (I spoke to apple care yesterday) so that's not even an option.

Things don't "just work" anymore.

Also just to show how bad quails control is. If you go to the iPad feedback site in the box that asks what OS you are using all options are OSX not iOS. Clearly that wasn't tested either.

Mar 16, 2014 1:47 PM in response to GromitD90

I have exactly the same issue. iPad with iOS7.1 vpn speeds are a fraction of that expected and as seen on other devices, normal vpn speed on devices including older iPad, iPhone 5S with also latest iOS 7.1, all Macs.

Pre iOS7.1 on iPad, vpn typically 2.5Mbps to 10Mbps.

Post iOS7.1 on iPad, vpn maximum 0.5Mbps to lower, even 0.2Mbps.

Local ISP connection speed no less than 18Mbps up to 24Mbps.

Apple suggested factory restore of iPad and reinstall of iOS7.1 via iPad connected to iTunes. This is in progress as I type. I am not expecting it to make any difference, we will see.

Mar 16, 2014 3:18 PM in response to ianfromglen ellyn

I had also tried the full restore with no luck. I tried contacting Apple Support but they wanted to charge me $19 just to start a chat session. Why waste my money when they will just tell me to do things I've already tried and still end up with a non working solution.

I'm curious - has anyone that has upgraded to 7.1 been able to stream video over a VPN?

Mar 16, 2014 3:47 PM in response to GromitD90

So problem is under investigation, no resolution yet.

iPad 7.1 VPN impacted, extremely slow

iPhone 5S 7.1 VPN normal

Problem is either with or a combination of:

iOS7.1 update


Third Party App developers.

I see more impact streaming content from say the BBC than Netflix over VPN, so that could be a hint that the problem lies with the third party apps.

Mar 16, 2014 3:50 PM in response to GromitD90

The $19 charge is interesting a preposterous, not least for a conflict of interest, i.e. release buggy software then charge customers fees regarding getting issues resolved.

Though my iPad coverage long expired, I do have current iOS developer licence and current coverage for a MBP. So, at least for now I feel there is investigation and progress ongoing without being charged additionally.

Mar 16, 2014 4:03 PM in response to ianfromglen ellyn

I don't think this is a 3rd party app problem since all my other devices continue to work. When I did the full reset of my iPad the only 3rd party app I installed was the ookla speed test . Running a speed test on the iPad with iOS 7.1 gave me less than 1Mb/s throughput running it through my iPhone 4S, also with 7.1, the throughput was >12Mb/s.

I think the issue is 7.1 and it seems to be across different generations. My guess is that it's related to some message length setting resulting in fragmentation of messages

Mar 16, 2014 11:44 PM in response to GromitD90

I got two IpadS , the IOS 7.1 update realy impact the VPN perfomace after cross check. I disappointed on IOS sytem update givenI spent to much time to find the root cause, but this should be Apple engineer to do the test before release the software. Not end user to tell you the bug. The worse case is I even can not downgrate or rever to old ios version.

The check have done by myself and advised by vpn provider.

1- DNS CHanger-

2- VPN Server change

3- IPAD Network reset

4- Unencryted my router link

5- Change the ISP service company

Mar 17, 2014 2:20 PM in response to GromitD90

Just got an android tablet for less than $250. Less powerful processor, but what would you know? Runs VPN and the same streaming apps perfectly for some strange reason. Can AirPlay to my Apple TV and use it as a remote for the Apple TV. Internet works faster than my iPad 4 too. I wasn't going to wait months for an update/fix with not new functionality and only minor aesthetic differences (plus iOS in the car!).

Hasn't crashed once in 2 days. Haven't been able to say that about my iPad in nearly 6 months.

Good luck guys!

2 mac book airs, 2 iPhones, 2 apple TVs, 2 iPads, Mac, TimeCapsule and bunch of crappy cables that break every six months. Let's see how the software updates go for those.

Mar 18, 2014 4:51 PM in response to GromitD90

I have the same issue with my VPN on my iPad 2. I called Apple and didn't get charged the $19 even though my iPad is out of it's warranty because it's a software issue. If any of you do call Apple don't let them fob you off with it's the VPN providers. I did but they haven't heard the last from me! I have done everything that has been mentioned by others in this thread and non of it worked. I have been a customer of Apple for about 20 years having spent thousands on iMacs, iPods, Apple TV, iPhones, etc, and have to say that this maybe the end of the road for me.

iPad 2 VPN access with iOS 7.1

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