To scabthepoet:
Thank you, thank you for this work around changing the date back to find phantom photos. It so worked. Just got a new iPhone 5 today because my battery kept crapping out and it failed diagnostic at Apple store. Apparently there was a replacement program for a batch of bad batteries that were released. But when they exchanged battery did not solve problem, hence new replacement phone. At same time I had run out of storage space and could not do newest update. They hoped synching the new phone might resolve the issue or delete all my photos on phone (I had deleted down to 80 and just could not figure how they were taking up so much space, but what do I know. Well, synched my phone and was happy to see I went from only 244 MB available to 3GB and was update was done. I could live with that, but figured I would delete even more photos (went from about 80 to 66, deleted them out of recently deleted, deleted 2 or 3 apps and a bunch of old messages, and my available storage went DOWN 😟. What the heck. So figured I could not be the only one with this weird problem. Googled and found this site, tried your solution and found 904 "fantom" photos in my recently deleted. Got rid of them and now have 7.4 GB of available space. DO not know how you figured this out, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! Saved me $500 dollars from having to buy a new phone for now!!