"Replacement needed" appeared on my iPad 2 after software update
My ipad's perfectly fine until I get this message! Appeared after software update. 😟 What do I do?
iPad 2
My ipad's perfectly fine until I get this message! Appeared after software update. 😟 What do I do?
iPad 2
I've never seen this before. Exactly where and when do you get this notification? Can you post a screenshot of it?
That's a new on on me too. ID like to see the screen shot also.
Screenshot above. Any ideas? Why would an ipad suddenly die?? Why APPLE Why!?! 😟
I've never seen that before. Was your iPad by chance previously Jailbroken?
Did you purchase this iPad new? Or used?
Has the iPad even been Jailbroken? Or had any unauthorized modifications made to it?
I guess I would take it to an Apple store. Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support.
No it wasn't jailbroken. :( Bought it in a legit apple store.
Yes, I purchased it new and never jailbroken. I'll try connecting it to itunes again today and see what happens. Thanks guys!
Again, have you taken it into the nearest Apple Store or Authorized Service Provider?
Yes, i already did. They tried restoring it using different computers. No luck. They advised me to call a toll free hotline. It's their first time to see this problem. I'm trying to restore it right now (for the nth time!) wish me luck!
Is it an official Apple store? They should not be telling YOU to call a toll free hotline, they need to take care of it. If it's a premium reseller, they most likely have no idea what to do and are trying to pass it off to someone else.
Yes, it is an official apple store in the Philippines. She tried her best in restoring it, multiple times. But then again, the dreaded "Replacement needed" appeared on the screen. By the way, I purchased the ipad when I was in Singapore (epicentre is the name of the store). Maybe I should try to contact them too?
Googling ipad replacement needed message shows it's not unheard of. Just no solutions short of replacement. Please let us know if you get it working.
I have the same problem. Same message. I was to the closest Apple Service and they said that must be changed and for this I have to pay 300 euro.
I see that this is not my problem so Apple should check this issue and find a solution.
Though I understand your frustration of having a working iPad before the update, and a "broken" ipad after, I don't think we can say what the problem is. It seems to be a known, but relatively rare error message - perhaps introduced in iOS 7 to more clearly identify when something is wrong with an iPad. In that case, the upgrade perhaps hasn't done damage but simply reports it where iOS 6 did not. Again, just speculation at this point but if this scenario is correct, it could be the iPad would have failed soon anyway. No one can say.
It's worth contacting Apple again about for a more thorough explanation ofwhat the problem is with the iPad.
"Replacement needed" appeared on my iPad 2 after software update