Arrgghh ! This is very frustrating !!
I tried at least 5 or 6 times unsucessfully to update the content tonight.
Luckily I was able to transfer what I was working on into Logic and continue on, but I did get some errors in Logic about missing drum samples, and had to use an AU drum machine plug-in to finish what I was doing.
The GB install seems to start over from scratch each time, I must have had about 40 or 50 Gigs of unsucessfully downloaded data wasted tonight.
I feel sorry for folks with a data cap, stuff like this would push their bill through the roof.
Watching the "" folder thats hiddden in "/private/var/folders/" I can see that the Garageband updater downloads "GarageBandPremiumContent.pkg " and 3 or 4 "StereoDrumKits***.pkg" files.
The download always seems to choke on either the "StereoDrumKitsRock.pkg" or "StereoDrumKitsR&B.pkg" files. I even tried booting into safe mode, but the download still failed about 5 minutes in.
It would be nice if we could get a direct download link to the content update rather than relying on Garageband's internal update mechanisim.
I was able to pull the urls from the individual ""***pkg.resumeData" files in the "" folder and download all the update packages to my hard drive directly, but only a couple would launch and install, the last 2 files gave an error about waiting for other files to download so they must be linked somehow to GB's internal update mechanisim., and have to be installed in some sort of sequence.
I've wasted way too much time on this, hopefully things will get sorted on the other end and I will try again tomorrow.
Very frustrating !
- Jay