It hasn't been asked in a while..
TC to DSR-11
Since FCP 4 we have been unable to stripe a new TC such as 00:58:00:00 or 01:58:00:00 to a DVCAM tape with the DSR-11. NO MORE!! I think I found a solution.
Get SimpleVideoOut from the Apple (its free):
Then create a QT Movie in FCP or Xpress Pro from a sequence which has the starting TC you want on the tape. I just tried it with 00:58:00:00. In the timeline, I just put Bars & Tone for 90 seconds and a black slug for 45 (to take me over 01:00:00:00). You could create a sequence with whatever combination you wanted with the TC set to start at whatever timecode you need for your choice. But the Timeline TC MUST be set to your desired starting code. The exported QT file will have this TC in it.
Then load this DV QT movie into SimpleVideoOut (having selecting Firewire / Apple Firewire PAL or NTSC when you open the app).
Now load a fresh DVCAM tape and set your DSR-11 to:
(Have the TC display turned on for this first test so you can verify it has worked.)
Then just hold the REC and PLAY buttons together on the DSR-11 and press play in the SimpleVideoOut app and the new TC will be recorded to your DVCAM tape. Hey presto you are now able to stripe a tape with what ever timecode you want using a DSR-11.
Remember to turn 'DV IN TC' back to INTERNAL on the DSR-11 when you come to record your edit to tape.
The problem with the DSR-11 is that it is not the best deck and starting recording at the exact TC, but playing with the pre-rolls should eventually get it spot on. I have had some success with FCP's 'Edit to Tape' and very good results with Avid Xpress Pro after a few tweaks.
Also, if you just had a black QT file, you can change the starting TC to suite the tape; i.e. 00:58:00:00 or 02:58:00:00 etc without going back into FCP or Xpress Pro and rendering out another QT. To do this, just use Sebsky Tools to alter the starting TC of the file.