Safari photo downloads - where do they go?
I am trying to download images on my iPad from Photoshelter. They appear to download but not finding them in my photos. Where do the downloads go on my iPad? How do I find them?
iPad, iOS 7
I am trying to download images on my iPad from Photoshelter. They appear to download but not finding them in my photos. Where do the downloads go on my iPad? How do I find them?
iPad, iOS 7
bobseufert, the Foliobook app looks interesting but requires you to login into the owners Photoshelter account in order to access images. Plus it retains the watermark.
I have Photoshelter galleries with download permissions for clients (password) but they are not able to download using iPads. Limits of the iPad in loading (cf readers) or downloading images is annoying.
Thanks for the tip. I may use it to display my work. I wish it could help my clients download images.
Joeteoh99, yes I did the Save Image thing without success. It gives a blank image using the Photoshelter site.
Save image button is actually a screen shot. You can tell from the size of the file. My full resolution downloads are 8-12 MB while screen shots or save image button pics are not high resolution. My clients are looking for the large res photos to print in publications. Not sure why they are trying to download large files on a mobile device. It appears to be a Photoshelter issue.
Thanks for responding.
If you are saving photos they should end up in the Camera Roll albums of the Photos app.
This Photoshelter. If so you need the Foliobook app.
Ralph, yes, they SHOULD end up in camera roll but they don't when using Safari and Photoshelter.
Did you hold down and click the Save Image button?
Joeteoh99, thanks for the suggestion. Photoshelter doesn't allow screenshots. You get a blank image when you try it.
I didn't mean a screenshot. I meant holding onto the image and press the Save Image button.
Hi Roger,
I was having the exact same issue. there is a workaround. Get the client (or you if you are testing the download) to click into the gallery in the normal way. Then, rather than selecting a picture and choosing the download option (which never seems to do anything after the "please wait....." bit), go straight to the download option at the top of the page. This gives you the option to choose the images slightly differently. You get provided with a link. If you use the link you will get the picture opening at the chosen resolution in Safari. Now if you hold your finger on the picture in Safari and select save, it will appear in Camera Roll at the selected resolution. Hope this helps. It's a workaround, but at least it doesn't leave half my clientele alienated, as everyone uses an iPad these days.
Safari photo downloads - where do they go?