It's a syncing issue with iCloud "Dictionaries" which is a hidden folder in the iCloud Drive folder. If you're a dev or comfortable using Terminal, the following command will place a "real iCloud drive" folder on your desktop which will allow you to see ALL the items in iCloud Drive. Inside this folder is the folder called "Settings" and then "Dictionaries". You can then see other nested folders from each device ID (Macs, iOS) that write to iCloud.
This is not a fix but here's the steps to view those:
1) In terminal:
ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/ ~/Desktop/Real\ iCloud\ Drive
2) You will now have an alias on your desktop to the iCloud Folder (you must choose to view it in a Finder window as list view)
Drill down until you find a file with the extension .cdt
3) Duplicate that file onto your desktop and CHANGE the extension to .zip and unzip it.
4) ADD the extension .plist to the end of the UNIX file that was unzipped and then you can view it in text edit app and see the shortcuts info.
Again, not fixing anything, but trying to narrow it down and hope that some developer/programmer out there with better knowledge than mine can help!
Just a reminder to everyone to report the issue to Apple and go to Genius Bar if you have the time and call Apple Support: