My maximum MTU happens to be 1492. You may want to check yours by this method:
In Mavericks, go to Terminal. Start pinging at any arbitrary number, say 1472, and keep lowering it by increments of 10-12 until you no longer get the "frag needed" or similar message. You can stop the pinging with a Control-C.
ping -D -s 1472
Press Enter. Then reduce 1472 by 10 until you no longer get the "packet needs to be fragmented" error message. Then increase by 1 until you are 1 less away from getting the "packet need to be fragmented" message again.
Add 28 more to this (since you specified ping packet size, not including IP/ICMP header of 28 bytes), and this is your MaxMTU.
Note:If you can ping through with the number at 1472, you are done! Stop right there. Add 28 and your MaxMTU is 1500.
My maximum number turned out to be 1464, and 1464 + 28 is 1492.
Then, if that doesn't work with the Apple downloads, it may be their servers. But my result was instantaneous and dramatic.