IOS 8 won't sync music with itunes
After updating to IOS 8 on my Iphone 5, all of my music was removed. I tried resyncing it with Itunes - however once completed no new music has gone across.
Anyone know how to fix this??
iPhone 5, iOS 8
After updating to IOS 8 on my Iphone 5, all of my music was removed. I tried resyncing it with Itunes - however once completed no new music has gone across.
Anyone know how to fix this??
iPhone 5, iOS 8
This worked for me too. Thanks!
Im still having this issue please help me
I tried this yesterday, and it worked on both of my devices
not sure if it was a fluke or not
let me know if it works for you
need confirmation lol
delete all music from your iPhone manually
settings > general > usage > manage storage > music
delete all the songs from there
settings > music
turn off show all music
and then try syncing your songs with iTunes
I’m always using the iPhone file manager to manage and sync the music on my iPhone, and no such troublesome issue was encountered.
If you turn off "Sync only checked songs and videos" under the summary tab, then choose the check marks under the songs you want to sync under the music tab, it will sync you songs.
After many failed attempts over the past week or two this method looks to be working for my iPhone 4s and updated itunes ( - showing that it's copying all 2014 songs (midway thru and still going).
Manually deleting all songs from the iPhone through the settings tab (settings > general > usage> manage storage > music) then turning off "show all music" under settings > music.
Thanks leilanih!
so glad it worked for you!
I have the same problem as you. So waiting for your reply soon to know how you can fix it.
Ms. Yen -
I figured it out. You have to manually go to the specific album you want on itunes and right click. There is a line that says, "Add to playlist." Once you scroll to that it will ask if you want it uploaded to your iphone or to another playlist. You must have your phone already plugged into your computer to achieve this. Let me know if it worked as easily for you!
Under iphone summary in itunes - I took somebody's advice - unchecked ALL the boxes under options - and then checked 2 things: 1)automatically sync when this iphone is connected and 2) manually manage music and videos - clicked APPLY - then on the music tab I checked "sync music" at the top and then "selected playlists, artists, albums and genres then clicked apply / sync IT WORKED! All my playlists finally downloaded onto the iphone 6. hope this helps someone!
The BUG can be created by doing the following on ios8 and itunes 12.
1) Sync a large library across to your device and let it complete.
2) Once complete, sync out a chunk of music (or remove check and recheck sync music) another set of music across but dont let it complete (eg you need to go now urgently).
3) Sync
This will create a large OTHER section that contains the normal user files AND orphaned music files.
Only way i know to remove it is to do a complete reset (Reset all content and settings on phone) and setup phone as new. Then restore from backup once new phone is running. The OTHER may appear in itunes but if you check manage music manually, it will disappear and you can resume syncing your library. Note. Every mistake you make adds to the OTHER section.
Best way forward until a update for the BUG is found is to:
Setup your playlists correctly as you want it.
Reset the phone.
Restore and resync and allow it to complete without interruptions using the lightning cable (wi-fi syncs tend to break).
DONT touch manage music or remove music after this.
Good luck to all of us until Apple finds a fix.
Thank you, that was it! I was blaming my new iPhone 6 or iOS8, but it was actually a mistake I made when transferring the library from my SSD drive to another disk!
I have this problem too. I tried phone support with no joy I then had genius bar support with no progress either.
The problem was happening with my iphone 5 and ipad air.
So it seems to be an itunes problem. My own fix was to reinstall itunes from the app store and to reset both devices.
I still have about 4gb of other files on both devices but i can live with that till apple issues a fix.
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1
iMac OS 10.9.5
I only read the first 15 pages of this thread, but what worked for me is found on page 10. I searched my iTunes music folder for any non-music files and moved them to a different folder. I did not delete anything, just moved them to a new location. Once I did that, syncing behaved the way we all expect it to.
Greg, followed your instructions to the letter. Playlist names stayed in iTunes, but all are empty. All ratings are gone. And still cannot sync.
I appreciate your detailed post, and I'm commenting only to indicate that in some instances it is not failsafe and may do more harm than good.
IOS 8 won't sync music with itunes