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IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade

After IOS 8 upgrade many aplications ( Safari, Facebook, etc) load very, very slow (comparing with 7 version) , with a significant delay of more than 10 seconds...

Who can I solve this problem? Any workaround?


Apple should better test the software before delivering.


iPad 2

Posted on Sep 22, 2014 11:35 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Sep 22, 2014 4:23 PM

My iPad 2 became unusable after upgrading to iOS 8. Closing an app (single tap on the home button) and app switching (double tap) took forever to the point it felt like the the system had frozen. Everything else seemed to be running in slow motion. It was torture.

I spent the weekend reverting to iOS 7 and then reinstalling apps and reconfiguring everything. Looks like I may have lost the use of some apps too unless I can figure out how to revert them to previous versions (1Password, Pages, and American Airlines).

But my iPad is functional again. Lesson learned!

1,085 replies

Sep 29, 2014 9:58 PM in response to allyrobs

For everyone on here, Apple is a solid good product. Please don't be quick to judge.

DId Apple releae IOS 8 too soom.....YES!

I Really did find much difference between 7 and 8, except that 8 is slower than a hurd of turtle racing thur peqnut butter.

and battery life hoovers.

hey Apple, it is Safari and Mail that keeps crashing for me. Not 3rd party apps.

please fix.

oh ghost of Steve Jobs, please go back to your office at Apple and fiven them ****.

Sep 29, 2014 10:12 PM in response to pacoKAS

The iPad used to be fun.

After these 2 o8 update(s), I am having to do numerous reboots, restarts, the device WILL NOT retain content from 2-3 different internet tabs...leaving me to refresh each page as I try and move between them.

It also fails to copy when I touch the 'copy' tab, and does not hold the pasted items if I have to copy more than one item between pages.

The keyboard with that word suggestion feature chokes up constantly and is a irritant.

Nothing about the user side of this update makes any of the tech adjustments enjoyable.

I regret updating. You have screwed up my device.

Not too mention wiping out my photo albums (on iPhone too) as well.

Internet page loading is also slower than an XP IBM. I dread having to use this device. The PC I use works better.

Sep 29, 2014 11:10 PM in response to Edward.trayford

OOh the diehards, who in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary still spew the party line. Apple USED to produce excellent products, bow their updates brick previously functioning devices, because Apple told the owners the update was appropriate. It was not. The only two choices why this happened is (a) Apple was negligent in its testing, or (but probably and) (b) it was intended for us to give up and buy new iPads.

i won't be doing (b) unless the prices drop to match the competitors' prices for equivalent products. Apple is no longer the leader in technology, but following. Unless bendy phones is the new trend...

Sep 30, 2014 1:37 AM in response to Benoît Evans


TIme for my update... 2 days in and no problems now with 3G setting (except when really going out of coverage area)!

So I'm on a 32GB iPad 2 with Vodafone in the UK, performance was fine on latest iOS 7 release, then upgraded to 8.0.0 followed by 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 without much difference...

So I now have the following turned OFF and performance is approaching what I had in iOS 7 (still not quite there!):

Background app refresh (all but one app monitoring data usage!)

Keyboard predictive text

Location services for most apps!

Cellular/mobile is NOT now set for automatic carrier selection!

Privacy, location, system services, cellular location setting is off!

Wallpaper perspective zoom is off!

Hope that helps someone else?



Sep 30, 2014 4:35 AM in response to chris@mediafrenzy.ws

Apples answer is to buy a new iPad. I don't think so. Apple came out with another ios for the six because it's newer. Are all the people that own ipad2 supposed to just go out & spend hundreds of dollars for a new one. how many people can afford that. Are the people with newer iPads more mportant as ipad2 owners? I will not buy a new iPad. If Apple does not fix this issue, I will buy a tablet that is not Apple & will never buy another Apple product. Apple, get it together & fix our ipad2

Sep 30, 2014 4:44 AM in response to pacoKAS

TThis is absolutely the worst iOS system update. I updated to version 8.0.2 on all my systems: two iPads, two iPhone 5s and an iPhone 4s. We are experiencing numerous problems in many apps where they crash. One time my wife couldn't get the keyboard to come up numerous times on the text message app. On iTunes, i went to select a song and the system started scrolling all the songs for that artist right to left and it didn't stop until I got out of the app. All systems are running so slow they are almost unusable. This has made me think I might abandon Apple altogether. I will start updating my hardware soon and I am losing confidence in software management at Apple.

Sep 30, 2014 5:35 AM in response to pacoKAS

For anyone defending Apple or this 8.0.x update, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't own multiple iPads that you use for work.

In my family and my business, we own 5 ipads... Two ipad 2 16GBs, one iPad 2 64GB w/ cellular, one ipad 2 16GB w/ cellular, one ipad 3 16GB with cellular, and an iPad mini. We also have one ipad 4s in the family. Without exception, each of these is running miserably since the upgrade except ONE!!!! The one that is still on iOS 7.....

We've tried every tip we have found. We have attempted to revert the most important of these devices to iOS 7, but the restore fails so no apps would be configured. Without my apps, I might as well stop working. But, with them, on iOS 8, I find myself using my android phone and my windows notebook now.

There is zero excuses for this. It was poor planning on apple's part. And the standard line of "you should consider the new Apple, which is designed to take advantage of iOS 8 and future releases", has only served to tick me off.

Our devices are not enjoyable to use, and we sure cannot be productive with them in a work environment.

I'm going to go write up a long, scathing blog post about this, because, if I post it here, it will be deleted. I would have posted a link to a great blog post someone else wrote on the subject, however something as simple as copy and paste us not working on this iPad. Just typing this reply was painful because of the new and enhanced keyboard lag.

TO any of you who are not having trouble, I'm very happy for you. But trust me, there are many more who are having problems than you see here.

Several people who have attempted to express their feelings and describe their issues here have had their comments removed btw.

Good luck to anyone having the same issues we are.

Sep 30, 2014 5:44 AM in response to JohnMHoyt

HHow about a link to that Blog. I'm disgusted and I want Apple to be revealed for their negligence at my expense. Their "throw away and buy new" canned statements are snobbish and demeaning. It's time they got a visit from Humility. Perhaps they must fail before they see how grossly abusive their attitude is to a generation that made them who they are.

Sep 30, 2014 5:50 AM in response to JohnMHoyt

Have you followed some of the advice given in this thread? You don't say if you've tried any of it yet - the iPad2 is nearing end-of-support: that doesn't mean you should buy a new one. There are others on this thread who have been disabling what are essentially the multi-tasking overlays which Apple has been adding the iOS for a long time now (I might add, to "compete" with those who think a touchscreen device should be able to run more than one thing at once...).

So if you haven't, get into settings and disable background app refresh, the stupid parallaxing wallpapers, the zooming effects, the predictive text for the keyboard, spotlight search, and anything else which takes your fancy - make a note of what you turn off, see if performance improves AFTER a complete device powerdown / powerup having turned off those services, and then turn anything you're desperate for back on.

My guess is that the iPad2 is suffering teh same issues the iPhone4 did last year with iOS7: That apple didn't learn their lesson from that debacle is appalling - judging by the thread, there's more people with issues on iPad 2 than not, very few are on here saying their iPad is behaving OK, but most are saying it's slowed to a crawl.

You can hope that Apple will do a redux of iOS8 for iPad2, as they did iOS7 for the iPhone4 after widespread pressure from the public.

Oh - and if you plan to jump ship to android, be my guest. But I guarantee the user experience will be even worse: ever tried upgrading or migrating on android? It's a fractured, hideous mess with no continuity at all.

Sep 30, 2014 6:05 AM in response to Basexperience

Basexperience wrote:

Have you followed some of the advice given in this thread?

You must have missed the part where I said "We've tried every tip we have found. We have attempted to revert the most important of these devices to iOS 7, but the restore fails so no apps would be configured."

FTR I am an IT professional, this is what I do for a living. I support Windows, Linux and Apple products for a user base of over 1000 users, in 200+ companies, with hundreds of iPads and iPhones involved.

I'm kind of a big deal in the local scene due to a huge knowledge base and who I have worked for and with in the profession. I'm not just granny with an iPad for checking my gmail here. I have also been a developer and supported developers as well as being alpha and beta tester for many dozens of applications and hardware products since 1982. You can google my name and find out more.

I only tell you that to tell you this: I have invested 10-12 hours of my time into helping myself, my family, my friends and my customer base to prepare for and now to recover from the IOS 8 fiasco.

I have tried EVERY TIP that I have found on this thread, and on the many others. I have attempted to restore to iOS 7, I have shut down everything, I have hard reset. I have even brought up a freshly reloaded iPad 3 with just 8.0.2 on it, no apps other than what comes from Apple, and experienced the same things.

Jumping ship is going to be bad? I have been using Android devices since the first releases. I don't own a nice Android tablet, but you can bet that I will soon. I've upgraded from one firmware to another, A LOT, and yes, I've had my share of troubles with it. But not once of them offered the miserable user experience I am seeing with the best of the iPads we have upgraded to 8x.

Sep 30, 2014 6:23 AM in response to Basexperience

Just on a point of act, you are out of date with migrating Android. I've just gone from Samsung S3 to S4. You connect the S4 to wifi and in a minute or two it is configured and apps migrated with data to the new device. Just like Apple. However, where devices will not run an upgrade properly, it is not made available by the maker. Hence my son's old phone still running Android 2.

I have tried everything everyone has suggested with my, and my mother's iPad 2s. They will be appearing on eBay as soon as our two Samsung 10.5s have arrived. I'm a long time Apple user (PC, phone and tablet) but the company's arrogance has lost me finally and with the iPads go my last Apple products and therefore my last post to this forum.

I'd like to say thanks to the people here who've tried to be so helpful. It hasn't worked but not for lack of trying and it has been appreciated.

IPAD2 very slow after IOS 8 upgrade

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