Contacts not syncing from Exchange under iOS 8
When an iPhone adds a Microsoft Exchange account, if the account settings in the phone are configured to sync contacts and other modules (calendar, notes, tasks), then any edits or additions made to any Outlook that is paired with the Exchange should synchronize across all similar Outlooks and the iPhone (or other iOS device). This used to work perfectly for me with MS Office 365 Small Business Premium (which uses Exchange) and an iPhone 5 under iOS 7.
After an upgrade to iOS 8 on the phone, Outlook changes no longer sync to the iPhone's contacts module.
Notes and Calendar still sync correctly. (I barely use the Tasks element of either program, so I don't know whether that continues to work correctly.)
Since nothing changed to my knowledge on the Microsoft side, this appears to be a problem with iOS 8.
I'm not a registered Apple Developer, which apparently are the only ones who can file bug reports against iOS 8. If any reader is has the same experience and is an Apple Developer, please file a bug report.
iPhone 5, iOS 8