Yesterday I called 800-694-7466, got a live person and can say today that my iPad2 is at least 95% back to normal! I've been experiencing everything that's been reported on these posts since the day I was fool enough to update to iOS8, and then iOS8.0.2....crashing, freezing, sloooooooooooooooooow, AND lost my 3G!! She guided me to go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network. I was leery to believe and feared things may worsen, but after it rebooted my 3G immediately came back. She had me open some of the apps as well as Safari to see if they crash or just what. The app that had crashed most often didn't CRASH but was slow, slow, slow. She advised me to delete the app and reinstall it. After doing that it's back to normal!! I've checked all my apps and they're functioning well again. I did notice that all of a sudden I had 17 updates waiting in the App Store. Most of them said to fix bugs associated with iOS8, so maybe once they updated again that fixed a lot. As you know, the automatic updates stopped. My remaining complaint is that I hate how Safari not only moved the bookmark list to the left, but I now have to manually take the listing back up whereas formerly after hitting my bookmark, the bookmark menu disappeared off the screen. Also, I have to shrink the screen to close a webpage because the "x" at the top left is no longer visible until I shrink the screen. That's stupid. The only thing I still need to do is reset my wifi everywhere I had joined but HEY, that's nothing 🙂.
So you might either try resetting your network or call that number....fill their ears loudly and make Apple DO something about to avoid such calamity in the future! She did ask before I hung up if I was experiencing any other problems because "Apple is documenting every problem being experienced so that the update will fix them all." Sorry....not sure I'll trust another update now that my iPad2 is at least functionable!! iOS8 rendered it practically useless for a week! If Apple's scheme is to force us to purchase new hardware, I can tell you that it won't be Apple. I went to Samsung phone a few years ago and their product is of such quality that there has only been one OS update in all that time, and not ONE problem with the update. Quite frankly, I'm tired of all the drama, I'm tired of seeing people line up as if they're waiting for food in the depression years. There are many more great options that Apple these days.