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iPad 2 and iOS 8.0.2 problems

If you own an iPad 2, I would suggest you avoid iOS 8.0.2. Here are a list of the problems I encountered. Where I was able to resolve it, the solution is also listed.

Hardware: iPad 2 WiFi 32 GB Model A1395 with 8.3 GB available

1) Immediately after applying 8.0.2 using iTunes on a MBP, the iTunes status showed that I was 15.4 GB over capacity. I looked at the usage in the iPad settings and showed 2.4 GB available. Digging around, I found that none of my music appeared in the Music app. I tried several reboots of both the MBP and iPad, but nothing would fix the issue. Resolution: I finally had to do an OS restore followed by a Restore from Backup to get my apps and settings back. The music I had to manually restore.

2) When opening multiple tabs in Safari, then closing one of them the tab to which I am switched back is blank. While this sounds like an irritating issue that iOS Safari has had for years, it is different now. In prior iOS versions, the tab would be blank but would immediately refresh the content when I switched to it. The automatic refresh does not work consistently now, perhaps only 40%-50% of the time. I have no solution for this.

3) App switching using a double-click on the Home button or via a four finger swipe up is very slow. I have no solution for this.

4) Safari seems extra slow. I have no solution for this.

iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iOS 8

Posted on Sep 29, 2014 7:41 PM

46 replies

Oct 5, 2014 8:41 AM in response to Tbonzai

Addition ipad2 issues:

  1. App switching using gestures instead of the home button. Occasionally after reading a long email where I've had to scroll through the body of the text, I'm unable to switch to another app using either the pinch gesture or the swipe. I have to use the home button to switch. After I switch then return to mail it works.
  2. Mobile data service still works intermittently. It works mostly but occasionly shows no service. The only fix is to restart. Interestingly the iPad sometimes restarts on its own!
  3. Trying to edit a contact so I could delete an invalid address crashes Contacts. No solution.
  4. Safari crashes when trying to watch NBC nightly news. Streams about 5 minutes then crashes. The news streams ok when using Chrome. I've switched to Chrome as my default browser.

Sep 30, 2014 12:26 AM in response to thol

Same here.

My mother has iPad2, I have bought it to here as a gift. At that time it's been working very fast. My mom was happy. All she does is web browsing (cooking sites) and e-mail. But with each upgrade iPad becomes slower and slower. Safari freezes. Animations are not smooth which is annoying. Some weird bugs appear requiring to restart Safari.

Same with my iPad3: some basic functions became very slow. And I don't get why: hey, my hardware hasn't deteriorated with time. And web and e-mail are the same: they should not require more horsepower from CPU.

I would be happily downgrade my mom's iPad to iOS 5 or 6 if I could. Because iOS5 could do all she needs fast and stable. Now we have to pay with speed for some features we don't even care about. It makes no sense. Why iOS8 works slower than iOS5 when it comes to simple things?

Apple should really care about older devices. Or should I buy new iPad each 2 years just to have smooth web browsing?

Oct 1, 2014 6:12 AM in response to Tbonzai

Yup similar problems on my iPad 2 after upgrade. Everything very slow with long delays before touch responds. On checking, bags of storage but free active memory very low. Never an issue before upgrade. Tried deleting apps and closing apps plus reboot but no improvement. Seems that Apple have given us an update that requires more memory than a ipad 2 has! Apple please do something

Oct 5, 2014 9:23 AM in response to Tbonzai

I Was seeing that same sort of performance issues. I changed a few settings and the performance is much better ( not as fast as ios7) but more acceptable.

1. Go to Settings / General / Background App Refresh And turn this off.

2. Go to Settings / Accessability / Reduced Motion and turn this on.

It is not perfect but performance is so much improved that I can actually use my iPad 2 and still take advantage ios8 family features

give it a try.

Oct 5, 2014 2:35 PM in response to Tbonzai

iI've seen a "reset all settings" reported as helping the iPad 3: does it help iPad 2?

additionally, someone suggested a 2-finger pinch gesture on the far right-hand tab in safari helps restore some performance: I'm not sure why (note that my iPhone and iPad are not affected by these issues). I'm trying to collate some of the approaches others have said help. Best of luck.

Oct 5, 2014 2:40 PM in response to MarblePP


I don't expect any answer from Apple. Frankly, they make their money on hardware, not software. I'm sure they'd like for you to buy the latest hardware, even though yours is only about 2-3 years old. Look at their track record. They come out with new hardware and a new OS every year. If your old hardware has the specs to use the new hardware, that's fine but they make no accommodation for backwards compatibility. The most frustrating part of this is that the security patches are only released in these updates as well. They don't release patches for prior versions. If your hardware is not compatible with the new release, you are stuck with security holes, some of which are major and caused by their coding errors. I would LOVE to see the government step in on this and force them to do a software "recall" just like they do any other product.

Oct 7, 2014 8:14 PM in response to MarblePP

I agree that Apple needs to respond to their customers. Ipad2 failed to restart after upgrade via itunes to 8.02. Performed a recover and restore from backup to finally get my ipad2 to start again.

Now this ipads fails to turn on first time, is extremely slow and laggy. Swipe will not work in many applications now. Apple needs to solve the problem with their update or allow a method to return to 7.1.2 system.

As an aside, I have 2 iphones5 both using the same carrier, Virgin in Australia. Updated one to 8.02 and now cannot send or receive SMS unless cellular data is turned on. The another iphone5 I have left on 7.1.2 and no problems with SMS. Tends to isolate where the problem lies one thinks.Resetting network settings solves the bug for a short time but it reappears shortly after. Apple support have3 suggested I take my phone in to an Apple store for repair. Do not know how this will go though.

Oct 15, 2014 1:36 PM in response to nealuk

Sorry you are in the same boat as a lot of ipad2 users. I have tried all the so called fixes, some improvements but performance is nothing like as good as when I was running ios7. I went into an Apple Store today to complain and ask for help, bottom line......very little to be done. As you say..thanks Apple.

I have done several restores to previous dates and today, on Apples advice today, I did a restore to new iPad setting. Honestly, not a great deal of difference. It's not so sluggish. But the problem that is driving me mental is when I open safari and the second I begin to type the keyboard disappears, and I have to wait, go to the top of the screen, where the Google bar has gone to and continue typing. Also the favorites bar does not automatically retreat which it did before.

its such a shame, I have also written to Apple, no response!!

iPad 2 and iOS 8.0.2 problems

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