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iPhone 6 Plus headache and migraine

Been buying new iPhones every year since they have been released.. Received my new iPhone 6 plus last Friday the 19th on launch date and was super excited!

After owning the phone for a day, I started to notice that I have a really bad headache. Been using it for 12 days now and the headache has not gone away... The only difference that I can tell from this phone and my previous 5s is that this thing has NFC built into it with NO option to turn it off. I believe this is what is causing my headaches. I really love this phone but I'm obviously not going to jeopardize my health for screen size unless Apple adds a kill switch to this antenna.

A little background - I am very sensitive to Bluetooth. Any time I am around or using it, I get these headaches exactly what I am describing here. First thing I always do when I get my phones is shut off Bluetooth and everything has always been ok.

Has anyone else experienced a similar health concern?

Posted on Sep 30, 2014 2:27 PM

138 replies
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Jan 11, 2017 10:57 AM in response to Inga@Odessa

Don't go into a coffee shop or movie theater!!! Make an appointment with a doctor. Tin foil wrapped around your head might help until you in for the meantime. BTW, city buses are load with cellphones. Sit to the front of the bus where there are less cellphones.


Feb 11, 2017 8:42 AM in response to Eliys

Eliys wrote:

I have same issue with Apple 6s. I got headache and toothache if i texting or using Iphone in a minutes. I think Apple should withdraw this product because harm to customers health

Toothache, now that's a new one. As has been noted, repeatedly, sudden, servers headaches should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible. They can be the sign of something very serious. The doctor will tell you what the actual cause is.


Feb 24, 2017 2:07 PM in response to Paketa86

I have been having migraine issues for about 12 years now. The migraines eventually lead to vertigo, with the uncontrollable spinning usual accompanied by nausea and vomiting. After several trips to the neurologist, medicine for the migraines, and countless exams by the ENT, I have narrowed down the cause of the A-typical migrants. When I look at my cell phone for too long, I start to feel the beginning of the migraines. I am off of my medicine now and if I don't look at ,y cell phone throughout the day, I feel great. So don't let anyone tell you you are crazy for feeling this way.....I'm convinced that there will be research on day showing the negative effects of cell phones on our brains.


Feb 24, 2017 3:30 PM in response to deggie

Good point deggie.....my issues were really mild 12 years ago. No need to go to the doctor when things first started. Stress from work initially caused some of my issues. It wasn't until recently that the severe vertigo started happening and I needed to seek medical advice. 2 years ago I was finally diagnosed with A-Typical Migraines. I was put on Nortriptyline (med for migraines) and it kept the issues at bay. I titrated off of the meds and now just handle the symptoms with ibuprofen and imitrex. The MD wasn't able to tell me what causes the migraines.....but now, I have found that if I don't look at my cell phone throughout the day (I have an iPhone SE now), I have less to no issues with my migraines. The second I start checking fantasy or text someone my head gets all swimmy and starts down the path.....hope that clarifies.


Feb 24, 2017 4:31 PM in response to deggie

Yes, and I can be on my computer for an extended period of time with no ill effects. The issues happens primarily when I look at my phone. The phone is the Main Trigger for the episodes. I'm searching the web to see if there is any research correlating cell phones and migraines. That's why I replied today


Feb 24, 2017 5:17 PM in response to dateacha33

dateacha33 wrote:

Yes, and I can be on my computer for an extended period of time with no ill effects. The issues happens primarily when I look at my phone. The phone is the Main Trigger for the episodes. I'm searching the web to see if there is any research correlating cell phones and migraines. That's why I replied today

Do not just "search the web". You can find people saying anything about everything on the web. Plugging "cell phones and migraines" into a search engine will get you all manner of nonsense. You want to consult something like Pubmed. Then, if you find articles about research on migraines, you need to look at the research methodology, sample size, controls for co-founders, background and possible biases of the investigators. Also avoid anything involving Dr. Mercola or his ilk as they are simply cranks.

You also may need to accept the fact that you will never be able to know the trigger for each and every migraine. In over 40 years of migraines, I'd say I can identify triggers for maybe 20-30%.


Feb 24, 2017 7:46 PM in response to Lawrence Finch

Lawrence Finch wrote:

Even better than searching the web, dateacha33 should see a doctor who specializes in migraines. They exist. And they have a lot of knowledge, tools and meds that can help. Not a GP; a migraine specialist.

I concur. I suspect my attempt to point out that researching medical issues on the internet is not an easy task for the nonprofessional may be ignored. You're answer is more direct.


Sep 8, 2017 11:59 PM in response to Paketa86

I too am experiencing " PRESSURE" more than a headache for the past 3 months since buying my IPhone 7 Plus and I never have headaches. What can be done other than using the speaker. My hitech son has changed all his family's iPhones for SAMSUNG as he has researched and says Apple cell phones have the high radiation


Sep 9, 2017 8:40 AM in response to Frankgiron

And the answer is still the same. See a doctor. There is no ionizing radiation from any cell phone ever made, and hundreds of extensive and extended studies have found no health effects from using any cell phone, including iPhones. As cell phones have been around for over 30 years and in that time all competent studies have found no health issues from using them most reasonable people would assume that any symptoms have nothing to do with the phone.


Sep 9, 2017 9:46 AM in response to Frankgiron

Frankgiron wrote:

My hitech son has changed all his family's iPhones for SAMSUNG as he has researched and says Apple cell phones have the high radiation

Is your "hitech" son a physicist? An electrical engineer? A doctor? Reading a lot about technology on the internet and buying a lot of it doesn't qualify anyone to diagnose the cause of your headaches. Mind you neither a physicist nor an EE would be qualified either but, at least they might be able to talk sense about radiation.


Sep 30, 2014 2:46 PM in response to Paketa86

Paketa86 wrote:

A little background - I am very sensitive to Bluetooth. Any time I am around or using it, I get these headaches exactly what I am describing here. First thing I always do when I get my phones is shut off Bluetooth and everything has always been ok.

Given that, any time you are in a group of people, many of them probably have BT turned on on their phones, if BT were causing the problem, just turning it off on your phone probably wouldn't make a difference. The same is true with NFC. Many android phones have had NFC for quite some time. You've been around it but haven't known that you were. If you've had a headache for 12 days, you may have a serious medical problem. You should see a doctor, not a phone forum. Best of luck.


Oct 1, 2014 6:55 AM in response to IdrisSeabright

Having Bluetooth turned on and having it paired with another device emits different wave signals. Turning bluetooth off on your phone disables the radio and stops transmitting any microwave signal. Being an iPhone owner, I never have an android device in my pocket. On top of that, NFC only works in close proximity so what you said makes no sense whatsoever. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you answer.

Aside from that, I posted here looking to see if there is anyone else that might be experiencing similar issues. Thanks!


Oct 1, 2014 7:23 AM in response to Paketa86

Paketa86 wrote:

Having Bluetooth turned on and having it paired with another device emits different wave signals. Turning bluetooth off on your phone disables the radio and stops transmitting any microwave signal.

Bluetooth devices do not use microwaves (0.3GHz). They use the 2.4 to 2.485 GHz range. But, my point is that other people can have paired BT devices on them and be in close proximity to you without your knowing about it or able to control it. The range on an NFC device is, yes, much smaller than that of BT. But, that doesn't prelude people from being close to you with it turned on. Please let me know if there are any other bits of science I can explain.

Best of luck.


Oct 15, 2014 1:50 PM in response to Paketa86

I can't speak to the effects of Bluetooth and NFC, however, I have noticed that because the glass on the iPhone 6 is rounded at edges, when moving the phone slightly in a lit environment, the edges reflect the light and I often perceive lines shooting up and down the sides which has on on occasion started aura distortions for migraines.


iPhone 6 Plus headache and migraine

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