There's an easier workaround than downloading the app.
What really bugs me about the Health app is that it doesn't give you a grand total for a given time period (at least, I can't figure it out). When I click on my "year summary" of miles, I would like to see the TOTAL of my miles for the year. Not just my miles TODAY.
To get a sum of all the miles I have walked/run since the beginning of the year, I did this:
1. Export data to email by going to Health Data -> All --> Click on Share in upper right hand corner.
2. Download from email and open with Excel. When Excel gives an errors, say to open as TEXT.
3. I deleted any rows that were not related to Walk/Running.
4. Highlight the column that has this LONG string of text data that looks like this: "ning" sourceName="Name’s iPhone" sourceVersion="9.0.2" device="<<HKDevice: 0x12db4fe80>, name:iPhone, manufacturer:Apple, model:iPhone, hardware:iPhone6,1, software:9.0.2>" unit="mi" creationDate="2015-10-26 13:26:47 -0600" startDate="2015-10-26 12:43:40 -0600" endDate="2015-10-26 12:47:38 -0600" value="0.0362545"/>
5. Click on the "Data" tab and then click "Text to Column".
6. Selected "Delimited".
7. Then, under Delimiters, select "other" and put a quotation mark in the "other" field. (") And then click on Finish. What I found was that the mileage values I wanted were at the very end of this LONG string of text, but that there were quotation marks around these values. So, by delimiting the text by quotation marks, it will separate those values into their own column.
8. Sum the values to get your grand total.
So, YES you can use Excel to open the exported data.
And, YES you can easily split out all that text by using the "Text to Columns" tool.
(I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac)
I wrote all this really fast. I am by no means an Excel expert or an iPhone Health app expert. I'm just trying to help. I won't be able to answer any questions...