iCloud Download column removal
I'm using the song view, and try to remove the "iCloud Download" column. I can remove it, but when I quit and reopen the iTunes app, it shows up again. Is removal of this disabled by Apple?
I'm using the song view, and try to remove the "iCloud Download" column. I can remove it, but when I quit and reopen the iTunes app, it shows up again. Is removal of this disabled by Apple?
With the 12.2.2 release the check box has disappeared. (In prior version I had this un-checked)
Now, remove the column from a playlist, exit iTunes, restart iTunes and it reappears...repeat until bored....
Anyone know how to permanently get rid of this in 12.2.2.?
In version 12.2.1 you could use this to only show music offline
A problem introduced with 12.2.2 is that you cannot use show only music available offline when you view playlists:
This is issue is especially evident if you have a library that does not use iCloud library and you want to see iTunes in the cloud purchases.
I thought I had a solution by deleting tracks and hiding then BUT this had a knock on effect by deleting them from the cloud. The result was that the tracks were remove from my iCloud music library.so were no longer available on my iPad. They were not deleted from my other iTunes library that i use for match but the iCloud status was now "removed'.
All I want to do is get rid of the column - permanently.
And the Heart off the Info Panel (but thats another topic - shows even if you select Stars only as your preference)
Like many others, I also ran into this problem. I checked option in the dropdown menu to show only music available offline and removed the icloud column, and things looked and acted as they should. But, when I restarted itunes, thep problem reappeared.
However, once I went a few steps farther and told itunes to only display movies and television shows that were available offline, the problem resolved itself. I no longer see the icloud icon when I restart ituners. I would speculate that those who use more than just these three media types may have to toggle the view of all media types to permanantly disable the issue. Since I only use these three media, turning off all three is a global shutdown of the icloud view. If turning off the three media I singled out doesn't work, I'd suggest turning all media that can be viewed as local only to local only.
Seems to have worked
Many Thanks
Now for the next SNAFU...
This works, thank you very much for finding this and figuring it out, it was driving me crazy that it was appearing after each restart.
Just to clarify for anyone else, go into EACH media type, Music, Movies, TV Shows and on each one of them got to the VIEW menu and select - ONLY MUSIC AVAILABLE OFFLINE. Once you have done this restart iTunes and the very annoying iCloud Download column/icon is gone on all your playlists.
If you are on a Playlist instead of the main library for each media type, you will not see the option to choose Only Music Available Offline.
again - thank you to Nathan for tracking this one down, one terrible problem with this version solved, on to 10 others that are still around.
Great, this worked for me. Restart was not necessary here.
Big thx. This was really annoying and turning every media type to only show offline media worked for me too
I went a few steps farther and told itunes to only display movies and television shows that were available offline
I just ran crazy to get rid of this column and found your solution.
This helped me. Thank you very much for sharing this.
Brilliant, worked for me too - thankyou so much!
The critical piece of information here is "If you are on a Playlist instead of the main library for each media type, you will not see the option to choose Only Music Available Offline." -- I didn't find that information anywhere else, and without it all other efforts were fruitless. Thank you so much, xCowboy!
tks a lot x Cowboy this was driving me off the wall
Thank you xCowboy. It worked. As you stated, under the view option you have to select "more" then "film" and after that "TV programmes" and select the hide iCloud purchases option.
iCloud Download column removal