I have "MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)" and it freezes with Yosemite. Mavericks was fine; worked brilliantly, but as soon as Yosemite was on, boom, it froze.
I also get blocks of corrupt graphics when running Safari, my choice of browser on the MBP. Safari, however, over time starts to gobble up lots of memory. Impressively it's still responsive.
What I have done, and what has made the system useable, is removed FLASH. You know Adobe software is bad when you're getting more updates for their products than Microsoft give out for Windows! Having removed Flash there's some sites I don't get the neat animations, but I've discovered that YouTube still works; perhaps even better now. So I'd certainly recommend deleting Flash.
I've read how people are getting logic boards replaced because of Yosemite problems. I'm not entirely convinced it's a hardware problem. Or if it is hardware, then one which the software should be smart enough to avoid. Reason for my belief is fairly simple; Mavericks worked!