This Intel GPU Reset just started happening to me under 10.10.4 a few times per day, always with Safari open. System type is per thread title. New logic board about 3 months ago, due to (apparently) unrelated problem.
Graphics freeze and pointer is stationary; sometimes auto-reboots, sometimes needs to be restarted. In one case the machine recovered by itself after 30 seconds.
Last night I went up to 10.10.5 and Safari 9; issue just happened again. This time there was no event log written (or it's in a different place now?).
Here's the report header from a recent crash:
Fri Oct 2 09:13:00 2015
Event: GPU Reset
Data/Time: Fri Oct 2 09:13:00 2015
OS Version: Mac OS X Version 10.10.4 (Build 14E46)
Graphics Hardware: Intel HD Graphics 4000
Signature: 3
Report Data:
Intel GPU Hang Summary
version 1.0.0
-- Summary of Status for ALL Rings --
MAIN Ring is hung in the ring <-- ROOT CAUSE!
MEDIA Ring is idle
BLT Ring is idle
Essential Ring Registers
-- MAIN Ring --
RING_HEAD = 0x000001d0 (offset = 0x000001d0, wrap count = 0, wait_for_cond = 0x0)
RING_TAIL = 0x00000210 (offset = 0x00000210)
RING_START = 0x10204000 (offset = 0x10204000)
RING_CTRL = 0x0000f001 (enabled, auto report disabled (0x00), not waiting, semaphore not waiting, length = 0x010 4KB pages)
-- MEDIA Ring --
RING_HEAD = 0x02006cf0 (offset = 0x00006cf0, wrap count = 16, wait_for_cond = 0x0)
RING_TAIL = 0x00006cf0 (offset = 0x00006cf0)
RING_START = 0x10214000 (offset = 0x10214000)
RING_CTRL = 0x0000f001 (enabled, auto report disabled (0x00), not waiting, semaphore not waiting, length = 0x010 4KB pages)
-- BLT Ring --
RING_HEAD = 0xa2e05420 (offset = 0x00005420, wrap count = 1303, wait_for_cond = 0x0)
RING_TAIL = 0x00005420 (offset = 0x00005420)
RING_START = 0x10224000 (offset = 0x10224000)
RING_CTRL = 0x0000f001 (enabled, auto report disabled (0x00), not waiting, semaphore not waiting, length = 0x010 4KB pages)
- Other registers associated with guilty ring -
BB_ADDR = 0x118b544c (offset = 0x118b544c, valid = 0x0)
BB_STATE = 0x00000000
IPEIR = 0x00000000
ACTHD = 0x000001d0
EIR = 0x00000000
EMR = 0xffffffff
ESR = 0x00000000
INSTPM = 0x00000080
INSTPS = 0x8000010b
UHPTR = 0x00000000
- Common Slice INST_DONE register -
Some Common Slice engines are NOT DONE.
- INSTDONE_CS (=0xfffffffe): Not done = SVL,
Details for Hung/Stuck ring: MAIN
Last instruction header executed: 0x7a000003 (IPEHR=0x7a000003)
-> Use AubList to decode: Aublist -d 0x7a000003
Some Main engines are NOT DONE.
INSTDONE = 0xfffffff9: Not done = VF, VS,
- PAGETABLE_PP_PFIR = 0x00000000
- PAGETABLE_PP_PFD = 0x00000000
- PAGETABLE_BCS_PP_DCLV = 0xffffffff
- PAGETABLE_VCS_PP_DCLV = 0xffffffff
Dumping MAIN ring buffer contents:
Start Offset: 0x00000040
Head Offset : 0x000001cc (Adjusted to previous instruction)
End Offset : 0x000001f8