Upgrade taking excessive time (15 hours and counting)
I have two upgrades in progress. One on a Mid 2010 Mac Pro, the other on a Mid 2011 27-inch iMac.
I haven't measured the time precisely, but this is what I'm seeing with the upgrade.
- About 1 hour at "22 minutes remaining"
- another hour at "1 hour 48 minutes remaining",
- 10 hours at "2 minutes remaining"
- and so far one hour at "1 minute remaining"
So so far, these have been going for more than 15 hours
The details differ between the Mac Pro and the iMac, but each has spent at least 8 at or under "about 3 minutes remaining"
I have now heard anecdotes suggesting that having something like TeXLive or macports installed can cause some very slow Yosemite installations. Perhaps because of having a large number of "non-Apple" files outside of /User. I have both MacPorts and TeXLive on both of those machines.
I tried ⌘L on the Mac Pro in an attempt to view logs, but that is now beach balling.
Any suggestions would be welcome, but I particularly welcome input from those who have some experiencing with working through this problem.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)