new message window in Yosemite Mail is way to big for a small screen
I have a problem with Mail (Version 8.0 (1990.1)) since I have updated to Yosemite. Writing a new Message with Mail (8.0 (1990.1) becomes almost impossible.
Every time, when I intend to write a Mail and press the Buton „new Message“ the window of the new email opens so large that it s not fit on the screen on my Macbook 13“. Approximately one-third of the new-message window is off the screen. The window width can not be reduced in size. Now I have to shove arround window, to see what´s on the right side. If I move the cursor to the right outside edge no double arrow appears. There is only an arrow appears to amplify the already too large new-message-window. I tried a clean install, but the problem is still there. I changed the toolbar. Does not helped. Even my 27“ iMac shows the same issue. The new-message-Window covers the whole screen. The only good thing is, that the 27" is big enough to show the whole window. It seems that Apple programmed a fixed non-adjustable size of the new Message-window. Any Ideas?
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011)