VMWare Fusion fails to start VMx on Yosemite.
Just upgraded to Yosemite. When I launch my VMs, I get three pop-ups:
- Unable to retrieve kernel symbols.
- Failed to initialize monitor device.
- Internal error.
Some one previously had same issue on Mountain Lion previously and another user had posted this solution. Is there a similar update for Yosemite?
(For Mountain Lion only)
1. Download the update package from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1686
2. Create an empty mach_kernel file (otherwise the update installer won't work) using Terminal command:
sudo touch /mach_kernel
3. Install the OSXUpd10.8.5Supp.pkg from the downloaded file. It should restore the proper mach_kernel file.
After installing the update (and before restarting) it's possible to verify that the file was installed correctly:
ls -l /mach_kernel
It should show the permissions -rw-r--r--, owner root, group wheel, and file size 8244640 bytes.
To prevent the mach_kernel file from showing up in Finder, run the command:
sudo chflags hidden /mach_kernel
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), Yosemite Dowloaded Oct 19, 2014