Mac Mini HMDI Chronic HDTV Refresh Problem?
Hi Folks!
I have been using my Mac Mini as a component within my Home Entertainment System. I run the computer & media functions through my AV Receiver via HMDI, and from my AV Receiver to my Samsung HDTV. This worked just fine when my AV Receiver was a Pioneer Elite. I upgraded my AV Receiver to a Yamaha RX-1040, and have been unable to utilize my Mac Mini with my Samsung HDTV. The connection remains the same, Mac Mini HMDI to the Yamaha HMDI to the Samsung. However, the Samsung HDTV Screen refreshes every 7 seconds. We've replaced the Yamaha AV Receiver, based on recommendation by both Yamaha & Geek Squad Staff, yet the problem remains the same with a new Yamaha AV Receiver. Any thoughts on how I might be able to help eliminate this chronic Screen Refresh, every seven seconds, which makes my Samsung HDTV blink off and on again? This makes it impossible for me to do any work on this system. I should note that audio is not interrupted, only the video. Look forward to your help and assistance!
Warm Regards, JD
Mac mini