Disable battery usage by app
With the iOS8 upgrade, I can now track battery usage by app, but is there any way to disable this feature?
iPhone 5, iOS 8.1
With the iOS8 upgrade, I can now track battery usage by app, but is there any way to disable this feature?
iPhone 5, iOS 8.1
Kcarbajal wrote:
Chris: The "Fed-Talk" list is an e-mail distribution list focused on the Government (Federal & DoD) issues related to using Apple products in those environments.
You let kinds use Government/DOD iPhones?
Kcarbajal wrote:
Meg: There is a passcode on the phone, that not the problem. I'd just like the ability to turn off a "feature" that's been added that may have implications that Apple didn't consider at first.
Chris: The "Fed-Talk" list is an e-mail distribution list focused on the Government (Federal & DoD) issues related to using Apple products in those environments. As you might imagine, we have some security requirements that go above what Apple provides by default at times. You can find more info on these types of discussion lists at "lists.apple.com".
I hate to tell you this, but that information was already part of the diagnostics of the iPhone, and has been for years. All Apple did was make that data viewable by the user. It's still part of any diagnostics that are done from the iPhone. Any time Apple does a diagnostic on your device, that information is part of the report.
Meg: Kids was just an example… wasn't trying to make this about gov't phones, but phones in general...
Yeah, I'd expected so, but I'm just asking for the switch to be able to turn it back off and not make it visible...
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how can i get the app's battery usage by API in IOS 8 or later?
Settings>General>Usage>Battery Usage
I mean is there any API can i use to get the battery Usage?
I might be misunderstanding this, but it seems to me that you're going at this from the wrong angel.
The function in Settings is simply a UI into data kept on the phone - it gives someone who has physical access to your phone info on your app habit.
Removing the function leaves the data, so someone accessing remotely, via a network, could still get to the data (assuming various capabilities).
So I don't see what switching off the function gets you.
allentfma wrote:
I mean is there any API can i use to get the battery Usage?
That would be a question better asked in the Developer forums.
allentfma wrote:
I mean is there any API can i use to get the battery Usage?
Yes. There are several apps in the app store that use it. Check the developer's manual or ask in the dev forum.
Thanks a lot.
thanks very much
Sorry to repeat your post, Meg; it hadn't appeared at the time that I posted.
No worries, Lawrence! I always used to say "Great minds think alike." However my ex always responded with "Fools thoughts never differ." 😉
Disable battery usage by app