Bootcamp partition has disappeared after upgrade to Yosemite 10.10
Hello Loner T,
I've been following the threads of people with similar issues for the last couple of days now. I downloaded Testdisk and GPT disk both. And I've been trying to follow the directions as best I could on my own to see if I could re-set/re-write the GPT and MBR entries. My situation is a little different from the others in that I manually opened my iMac and installed an SSD which populates /dev/disk1(for recovery volume) and /disk2/ which is my boot drive. /dev/disk0 the internal 1TB drive became extra storage and location for the Bootcamp partition. So following these directions initially to pin down where on Disk0 things were located I narrowed it down to /dev/disk0s3
- diskutil list
- diskutil cs list (to find if Core Storage is the culprit)
- Download GPT Disk from and install it.
- sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
- sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
Here's the output from each of the steps, the beginning of the tests----------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -End of Tests-----------------------------------------------------
So /dev/disk0s3 is the location. But I'm having real difficulties now getting further as I tried this command just to see if I could find the 'R.NTFS' entry in the hexdump from the dd command:
sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk0s3 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -C
Ambiguous output redirect
Do I have that commandline correct?
Also I've done a full run of Test disk in Quick Search and Deep Search that I can post if needed. I'm finding it's very odd compared to what I've seen other people posting so far. I've got 2 complete Windows partitions with what looks to be the same files in both locations. I did extend the volume at one point to boost it up to 250GB. Don't know if that's causing the GPT/MBR to show a total of 8 entries in Testdisk. But that's what I'm seeing when I run it. Will await any further steps or directions you might have. I'm hoping this is quick fix. But I'm willing to do a full GPT re-wrtie/reset and an MBR rebuild if necessary and of course the Windows Recovery if it comes to that. I cannot thank you enough for being so generous with your knowledge and expertise, it's been a real education in the low level vagaries of disk management on the Mac for the past 2-3 days.
OS X Yosemite (10.10)