I had the same issue with iphone 5s (32gb) i upgraded as soon as the 8.1.1 came out and i suddenly saw the battery drain like crazy. In mid morning i was down to 40% and in the early afternoon gone. I left it at night running on sleep mode and the battery was drained who knows when. I normally when i have 40-50% I leave it and in the morning i have a few percentage points left....but never nothing !1
My wife is running the same phone on "8.02" and I did not upgrade hers, and no issues with battery drain there. Now she refuses to let me touch her phone in case i upgrade and screw up hers too!.. she is right in not trusting these upgrades. !
I tried all the tips and tricks that you read all over the web to stop drainage...from background refresh, to motion reduce, location, notifications...etc...believe me tried them all.
I also restored the phone a few times to clean start (8.1.1), and then also from my back up in itunes...
Nothing worked. !! My 5s becomes warmer than my wife 5s and there is definitely something running in the background that depletes the battery much faster.
I went to check the battery with my mobile operator and they claimed there is no problem...but go tell the guy fixing screws on iphones that the web is full of reports on battery drain with 8.1.1 .
After much research and waste of time...i managed to find the IPSW for downgrading to "8.1" I did succeed to downgrade and i will be testing in the next few days if all is ok. I will report any results
I learned one lesson....don't trust the iOS "upgrades" until a few weeks and month go by to check what effects they have on the phone !! They sell you a phone for over 700-800 bucks and then you have to waste your time figuring out how to solve their software problems.Who is going to pay for my time?
With a market valuation of over $650 Billion and the stock price over $110, you would expect them to check thoroughly before they release a version to fix one device and screw up the others. I guess Apple & Samsung are almost running a duopoly on Smartphones. Yes, there is competition (HTC, LG, Sony, Nokia..) there but if you want the most advanced model, you need to choose between 2 or 3 suppliers. Once all your data is connected to one Operating System, the switching costs to another platform becomes expensive..cause you need to buy a new phone and a new tablet and move all your data, settings..etc
So for the time being i am stuck with iOS with an iPhone and iPad, and hopefully the downgrade will solve the Battery Drain of 8.1.1
So my recommendation if you have an iPhone 5s : DO NOT UPGRADE TO 8.1.1